Senate Actions, 2018 - 2019

September 2018:

1.  Approved new Ethnic and Gender studies major; and

2.  Approved Arts Administration minor reactivation.


October 2018:

1.  Approved the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) Dean search committee slate; and

2.  Approved the Search Guidelines Joint Task Force project charter and background/rationale statement.


November 2018:

1.  Approved the School of Business Dean search committee slate; and 

2.  Approved the Distinguished Faculty Personnel Committee membership.


December 2018:

1.  Approved Search Guidelines Joint Task Force resolution allowing recommending entities to consult serach committees and departments throughout the hiring process (as long as confidentiality is not breached) and for candidates to be ranked at the discretion of each recommending entity, effective immediately.


February 2019:

1.  Approved the New Deal 2.0 Fredonia Resolution.

  • This resolution urged the New York State Legislature to increase financial support in the form of TAP gap funding, MOE provisions, and a larger share of the budget devoted to public higher education.


March 2019:

1.  Approved request for a University Faculty Senate visitation; and

2.  Postponed the Resolution on Leadership until the University Faculty Senate visitation report was filed.


April 2019:

1.  Approved Dr. Mary Beth Sievens, Department of History, as 2019 - 2020 Senate Chairperson;

2.  Approved the Transfer Credit Policy, which dictates that students may not apply more than 60 lower-level transfer credits to graduation;

3.  Approved the Policy on Continuous Enrollment, which dictates that: (i) if a student starts a capstone project but is unable to finish it, they would receive a grade of IP (In Progress) and retake the course until it is completed (the course would exist in all departments, not only as an INDS course); and (ii) after 5 years elapses, the IP grade turns into an F;

4.  Approved Graduate Council Bylaws changes;

5.  Endorsed the Contingent Faculty Letter to SUNY University Senate, encouraging alignment of the Chancellor's Award deadlines; and

6.  Approved the formation of Provost/University Senate Academic Affairs Reorganization Joint Task Forces.


May 2019:

1.  Approved the 2019 - 2020 University Senate Executive Committee:  Jennifer Costa, Human Resources, as Vice Chairperson | Dr. Cynthia Smith, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, as Governance Officer | Kevin Hahn, Residence Life, as Secretary; and

2.  Approved the 2021 - 2022 Academic Calendar.

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