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Welcome to the Academic Exploration Program

By taking a holistic approach with all Liberal Arts/Undecided students, the Academic Exploration Program is designed to help students select a major as they explore their academic, personal, and career interests.

Program Overview:

Maybe you want more time to explore your options, or maybe you're torn between a few majors, or perhaps you don't know what you want to study and that's ok. Unlike other colleges that may simply declare a student 'undeclared,' Fredonia enrolls undecided/Liberal Arts students into the Academic Exploration Program. This program offers programmatic and professional guidance, all of which is designed to help students acclimate to the campus, explore interests, build connections, and make informed major and career decisions.

Program Benefits:

  • Students choose one of the Academic Exploration Program Focus Areas, all of which offer courses that will fulfill major and/or general education requirements
  • Registered for a Liberal Arts Seminar course designed specifically to help students explore majors or interest and become more connected with the college
  • Opportunities for major engagement, without being declared in said major
  • Work closely with an Academic Advisor
  • Peer mentorship opportunities

To learn more about the Academic Exploration Program click the links on the navigation box on the left hand side of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Students must declare a major prior to earning 60 semester hours of credit

Yes, students are allowed to change their major more than once if they want to. 

Students can change their major by obtaining the 'Change of Major' form from the Office of the Registrar, getting written approval for the change from the department chairperson of the intended new major, then getting the approval of the department that you are leaving and returning the form to the Registrar's office. Remember, some majors have GPA requirements, so keep those grades up!

Fredonia overs over 70 majors, the Academic Exploration Program's Focus Areas are here to help you narrow your options down.  It is important to remember no one focus area encompasses all majors, but each of the four focus areas share course and topic similarities.

1. Arts & Humanities: For those interested in design and being creative, while also learning to appreciate key aspects of language and civilizations

2. Business, Management, & Industry: For those interested in managing and leading others, while familiarizing oneself with data and gaining analytical skills

3. Science, Technology, & Mathematics: For those interested in investigating how and why things work from an applied or theoretical viewpoint

4. Social & Behavioral Sciences: For those interested in learning about people, societies, cultures, and how they interact with one another


Students wishing to change their focus area will need to speak with their Academic Advisor.

You may find you are interested in multiple focus areas, or you may be unsure about choosing one because you plan on auditioning for a fine arts program. If you are unsure which area to choose, we recommend you contact Academic Advising Services and speak with an Academic Advisor to help you in the decision-making process.

Academic Advising Services

  • 2114 Fenton Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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