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Birger Vanwesenbeeck seated and speaking
Birger Vanwesenbeeck seated and speaking

Professor Birger Vanwesenbeeck

  • March 1, 2024
  • Marketing and Communications staff

Department of English Professor Birger Vanwesenbeeck has published a review of Marlen Eckl and Jeffrey Berlin’s recent monograph "Stefan Zweig und Jakob Wassermann: Eine Lebensbekanntschaft im Licht ihrer Korrespondenz, 1908–1933" (Stefan Zweig and Jacob Wasserman: An Acquaintance in Light of their Correspondence, 1908-1933) in the Spring 2024 issue of the Journal of Austrian Studies (University of Nebraska Press).

The publication is the flagship journal of the Austrian Studies Association.

In his review Vanwesenbeeck reads the study as one more example of the recent “Jewish turn” in Zweig Studies which, over the past decade, has drawn renewed attention to Zweig’s complex relationship to Judaism and to Zionism. The review can be accessed online via Project Muse.