Three faculty members representing diverse disciplines will give presentations in the Curious & Creative Conversation Series on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
The program, to be held at 1 p.m. in the Garden area of Reed Library, is the last of four presentations in the fall semester hosted by the Office of Student Creative Activity and Research (OSCAR). It is free and open to the public.
Department of History Senior Lecturer Peter McCord will share his work, “Researching the American Civil War;” Department of English Professor David Kaplin will share his work, “Becoming an Other: Role-Immersion Games in Literature and Writing Courses;” and Department of Biology Associate Professor Todd Backes will also give a presentation.
Each faculty member will have 10 minutes to share the details about a scholarly, research, or creative project they’ve completed. In the final 15 minutes, faculty presenters will discuss the value of various research and creative activity and will consider the ways in which they see their fields intersecting.
Attendees can learn about the processes involved in and outcomes resulting from scholarship and creative activity in various fields. They can consider how scholarly and creative work varies from discipline to discipline and celebrate the scholarly and creative work of faculty members at SUNY Fredonia. Additionally, they can explore similar opportunities for student research and creativity during their time at Fredonia and in their future profession.
Fredonia faculty featured in previous events this fall were Department of Business Administration Assistant Professor Mark Nickerson, Senior Assistant Librarian Christina Hilburger, Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Randolph Hohle Jr., Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences Associate Professor Bridget Russell and Department of Visual Arts and New Media Assistant Professor Abbey Paccia;
Also, School of Music Professor Jill Reese, Department of Applied Professional Studies Assistant Professor Kerry Fischer, Department of English Associate Professor Heather McEntarfer and Department of Physics Lecturer Chelsea Braun.
Students and faculty are advised to watch for information about dates and speakers for the spring semester Curious & Creative Conversation Series.