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Dr. Jill Reese
Dr. Jill Reese

Dr. Jill Reese

  • February 16, 2024
  • Marketing and Communications staff

School of Music Professor Jill Reese is a co-author of a research study, "Elementary General Music: Perceptions and Aspirations of Preservice Music Teachers," published in the Journal of Music Teacher Education (JMTE). 

The publication is a peer-reviewed online research journal produced by the National Association for Music Educators that focuses on issues related to music teacher education. The purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of preservice music educators’ perceptions of elementary general music, pedagogical competencies and specialization preference. 

Using a survey, Dr. Reese and two co-researchers – Dr. Christa R. Kuebel of the University of Central Arkansas and Dr. Christina L. Svec of Iowa State University – gathered data from undergraduate students at various universities across the United States. Their findings suggest that preservice music teachers believe elementary general music is an important part of the Pre K-12 curriculum and they are primarily confident with the knowledge and skills related to teaching elementary general music; however, few identify elementary general music as their preferred future teaching position. 

Although many undergraduates enter music education programs with the desire to teach secondary (high school and middle school) ensembles like band and choir, certification is broad (Pre K-12 grade) and many music educators teach in elementary general music positions. 

Because previous studies suggest that experience in elementary general music methods classes and direct experience teaching elementary general music can be transformative for preservice teachers’ perceptions of elementary general music and for their preferences to teach elementary general music, music teacher preparation programs at the university level should consider increasing the number and frequency of preservice teachers’ interactions with children (birth through fifth grade).

The abstract for the article can be accessed at this link