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poster of soloists for concert
poster of soloists for concert
  • March 15, 2024
  • Doug Osborne-Coy

The talents of a new generation of musicians from around the globe will be center stage when the Western New York Chamber Orchestra hosts the Progressive Musicians Concerto winners for a concert at SUNY Fredonia.

The concert is slated for Thursday, March 28, at 7:30 p.m., in the Harry A. King Concert Hall.

The event is the culmination of a months-long the Progressive Musicians’ colORCHESTRA project, which is designed “to discover and present concertos for wide variety of instruments from various periods, performed by international artists of highest caliber.”

The seven soloists for the concert were selected by an international panel of judges through rigorous live auditioning, out of a pool of applicants from all over the world. The project was designed to allow musicians and audiences to bridge geographic and other barriers and “come together for a truly remarkable musical journey.”

Performing during the March 28 concert will be Eleanor Alford (oboe), Austin Vitello (bassoon), Adalia Wen (piano) and Molly Xie (violin) from the United States; Hongbo Cai (piano) from China, Marcio Candido (violin) from Brazil and Mia Mandineau (soprano) from France. 

Ms. Mandieau is currently enrolled in the Fredonia School of Music pursuing a master’s degree in Performance.

The Western New York Chamber Orchestra will be under the direction of Maestro Glen Cortese.