Free Electronics Recycling Day set for Saturday

Christine Davis Mantai

Area residents will have the opportunity to clear out unwanted household electric items during SUNY Fredonia’s second annual Earth Week Campus and Community Household Electric Recycling Day on Saturday, April 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The event is free, open to the public, and will take place at the SUNY Fredonia Park-&-Ride lot adjacent to the Ring Road Services Complex. People disposing of items should put them in the trunk or bed of their car or truck, and the items will be removed by volunteers from university athletic teams.

“We are once again thrilled to be able to offer this much-needed free service to the campus and greater community,” said Michael Barone, director of Public Relations at SUNY Fredonia and a member of the campus’ Sustainability Committee which, together with the Cornell Cooperative Extension, is sponsoring the event. “Last year’s inaugural event was such a success that we not only generated more than 29,000 pounds of materials that might otherwise have found their way to a landfill, but we literally had cars lined up on Ring Road a half hour before the start.”

Acceptable items include: computers, monitors, terminals, laptops, hard drives, keyboards, computer mice, cables, printers, modems, speakers, televisions VCRs, DVD players, electronic games, cameras, radios, cell phones, FAX machines, typewriters, batteries and power tools, toner/inkjet cartridges, electronic pencil sharpeners, cassette players, cordless phones, home paper shredders, walkie talkies, answer machines, scanners, and chargers.

However, items from businesses or municipalities will not be accepted, nor will air conditioners, liquids or paints, florescent bulbs, large kitchen appliances, personal appliances, or children’s electronic toys.

“It’s a tremendous way to cap-off a successful slate of Earth Week events,” Barone added.

For more information, contact the SUNY Fredonia Office of Facilities Services at 716-673-3452. Information on SUNY Fredonia’s most recent “Go Green” initiatives, including its full Earth Week schedule of events, can be found at

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