FSA assists various charities with Casual Friday campaign

Michael Barone

This semester, the Fridays at campus dining halls aren't just "cheesy!"

The employees of the Faculty Student Association (FSA) have been going casual on Fridays since the start of the fall term to support a variety of charitable organizations. To kick off the semester at its first employee meeting, Executive Director Darin Schulz announced FSA would be "going casual" on Fridays, calling it "Fredonia Friday!" All FSA employees are invited, for a $1 (minimum) weekly donation, to choose a Fredonia t-shirt from the University Bookstore to in which dress casually. They were also asked for suggestions of organizations that should receive the monthly donation. Each month a different charitable organization is being chosen from that list. October's selection is the new polar bear exhibit campaign at the Buffalo Zoo.

For the month of September, FSA employees raised $408 and the RO Foundation was chosen as the recipient. The RO Foundation assists patients and families with unexpected transportation expenses. To learn more about the RO Foundation, visit www.rofoundation.com.

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SUNY Fredonia Commencement on Saturday

Marketing and Communications staff

Commencement 2024 at SUNY Fredonia will include ceremonies at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, in the Steele Hall arena, combining undergraduate and master’s degree and advanced certificate graduates.
