President calls for '08-'09 Convocation proposals on new theme

Christine Davis Mantai

2008-09 Convocation theme: 
“Human Rights: 
With Liberty and 
Justice for All?”

2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the United Nation’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

The document states that “the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”

The committee notes that today, human rights struggles occur across the globe--from the United States to Uganda; Canada to Cambodia. Human trafficking, subordination of women, torture, ethnic cleansing, environment disasters, and lack of adequate housing, water supplies, education and health care are but a few of the multitude of human rights crises that demand our attention.

The committee invites the campus community to explore the lessons of history, the conditions of the present, and solutions for a future when all individuals can enjoy human rights and peace can be achieved world-wide.

President Dennis Hefner and the SUNY Fredonia Convocation Committee have announced the 2008-2009 Convocation theme: “Human Rights: With Liberty and Justice for All?” 

Academic departments, student groups, campus organizations and individuals are encouraged to submit a proposal to sponsor an event any day, evening or weekend when classes are in session during the Fall 2008 or Spring 2009 semester.

The entire proposal, from title to budget, must be no longer than three single sided pages; deadline for receipt of proposals is Monday, March 31, 2008. Award notifications will be sent out the week of April 7. A representative of each funded project will be required to attend a meeting for coordination purposes on Wed., April 16, 2008 at 10 a.m. in the President’s Conference Room at 118 Fenton Hall.

Eleven (11) copies of each proposal should be submitted to the Convocation Committee, c/o Dr. Linda Brigance, 302 McEwen Hall. Questions regarding the proposal process or Convocation in general should be directed to Dr. Brigance at 716-673-3826 or via email.

Proposals might focus on: evolving collective consciousness regarding human rights; specific abuses (for example: slavery, voting rights violations); artistic responses to human rights crises; human and technological solutions for human rights concerns.

Proposals should include the following information:

  • Title and description of event
  • Explanation of how the event fits the theme
  • When, where and under what circumstances the event will take place (the committee would like to spread the events out over the entire academic year.) While final dates are not necessary, those submitting proposals should check on the availability of the proposed venue.
  • The intended audience, whether the entire campus, a particular department or group of departments, students in a particular year of study, faculty, etc.
    A description of how the event will be publicized; the Convocation Committee is only responsible for coordinating the keynote event and publicizing the series as a whole.
  • Who is sponsoring the event? This item should include the name(s) of the primary contact(s) and the department or organization under whose auspices the event will take place.
  • A budget, including all expenses and all sources of funds (if non-Convocation funds are anticipated)

Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria: congruence with the convocation theme; ability to generate attendance and dialogue; quality of the event; reasonableness of the budget; thoroughness of the proposal.

Members of the Convocation Committee are Dr. Mira Berkley, Dr. Linda Brigance, Tracy Collingwood, Dr. Jack Croxton, Marianne Eimer, Dahn Bull, Justine Januskiewicz, Dr. Karolyn Stonefelt, Denise Szalkowski, and Jefferson Westwood.

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