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Dr. Heather McEntarfer

Experiences of transgender, non-binary teachers focus of McEntarfer journal article

Associate Professor Heather McEntarfer has co-authored, with Dr. Matthew Rice, a qualitative research article that examines the experiences of transgender and non-binary (TGNB) Pre-K-12 teachers.

Sarah Wisinski (center) assists Randy Blood with removal of a segment of core from a hollow drill bit. There to assist are (from left): Hayden Backus, Dr. Thomas Hegna and Audrianna Sutton.

Student field trip yields Devonian-aged rock that could explain mass extinction event 

Science students on a field trip initiated by SUNY Fredonia alumnus Randy Blood literally had a direct hand in gathering samples of Devonian-aged rock that...

Dr. Ici Vanwesenbeeck, with author Ragnar Jónasson (right) and Iceland Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir (left).

Vanwesenbeeck interviews ‘Reykjavik’ authors in New York City

Dr. Ici Vanwesenbeeck interviewed Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the prime minister of Iceland, and writer Ragnar Jónasson about their new crime fiction, "Reykjavik," at Scandinavia House in...

TEAMWORK graphic

Learn about student-faculty collaborations at mash-up

“What can student-faculty collaborations do for me?” – a mash-up event conducted jointly by the Office of Student Creativity and Research (OSCAR) and the Professional...

Miles Calloway

Computer Science student presents research project at conference

Miles Calloway, a senior majoring in Computer Science from Eden, presented his research project, “Towards a Deep Learning Based Code Scoring Technique Using Tokenization,” at...

view of textbooks and notebook

Courses redesigned to meet SUNY’s new Diversity framework

SUNY Fredonia has designated its first Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice courses – ENGL 274: Social Justice and the Written Word and ENGL 296...

Dr. Ted Lee and students

Students awarded $36,000 to fund summer research at SUNY Fredonia

Eight undergraduate and graduate students majoring in biological sciences have each been awarded $4,500 stipends to support individual research experiences this summer. Endowments established in...

Anne Smith with Dr. Jonathan Chausovsky.

Smith named Honors ‘Student of the Month’ for May

Anne Smith, a junior double major in English and Computer Science with a Creative Writing minor, has received the May 2023 Honors Student of the...

Visitors navigate around student poster presentations in the Williams Center Multipurpose Room during the OSCAR expo.

Student research reigns supreme at annual OSCAR Expo

The spotlight shined brightly on students and their research and creative projects that spans SUNY Fredonia’s academic divisions – Business; Education, Health Sciences and Human...