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The State University of New York at Fredonia (SUNY Fredonia) maintains an official presence on a number of social media platforms. These accounts are produced, maintained, and monitored by the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Comments, content, and links posted by other users on SUNY Fredonia social media content do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the College. Links to other websites should not be construed as an endorsement of the organizations, entities, views or content contained therein. SUNY Fredonia is not responsible for the content of those external websites.

By posting content to any SUNY Fredonia social media page, users understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public, and that other participants may use posted information beyond the control of the university. Users who do not wish to have information that they have made available via these sites used, published, copied and/or reprinted, should not post on SUNY Fredonia social media pages.

SUNY Fredonia reserves the right to submit requests to social media publishers to have any account terminated that appears to be representing the college without authorization. No use of our copyrighted material including logos is allowed unless directly authorized by the Office of Marketing and Communications. 

SUNY Fredonia may review content posted to its official social media pages. Comments and dialogue about SUNY Fredonia social media content are welcome and encouraged. However, the college may hide or remove content that:

  • Includes profane, obscene, racist, sexist, or otherwise inappropriate language. 
  • Constitutes a true threat or unlawful harassment. 
  • Violates laws or university rules or policies.
  • Intentionally misleads, is factually erroneous, libelous or slanderous.
  • Infringes on the confidentiality or privacy of any party.
  • Sells, solicits, or advertises products/services that are not affiliated with SUNY Fredonia.
  • Is unrelated to the SUNY Fredonia content to which it is posted as a response.


Marketing and Communications

  • Gregory Hall 280 Central Ave. State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063