Rebecca Cuthbert, an adjunct instructor in the Department of English, has published her second book. a craft/memoir, “CREEP THIS WAY: How to Become a Horror Author with 24 Tips to Get You Ghouling.”
The book was released by Seamus & Nunzio Productions in January. Cuthbert's first book, a poetry collection titled “In Memory of Exoskeletons,” was published in 2023 by Alien Buddha Press.
Scheduled events to celebrate include a book launch at SUNY Fredonia in Fenton Hall Room 105 on Thursday, March 28 at 5 p.m., with a reading, Q&A, book signing and refreshments; the Fredonia Literary Festival on Friday, April 26 at SUNY Fredonia in the Williams Center; and the Nightscape Studio Horror Festival on Saturday, Oct. 12 at Northwest Arena in Jamestown, NY.
Cuthbert's books are available at The Black Door and Genres Bookshop in Westfield.
In other news, Cuthbert's poem “It's Always a Demon” was published in Dusty Attic Magazine in January. She was a guest on the podcast TheNecronomi.Com Podcast in February to discuss the social commentary of the classic horror film “Rosemary's Baby,” with James Sabata and Laurel Hightower. A story, "The Taste of Other People's Teeth," is part of the fundraising anthology “Shadows in the Stacks,” forthcoming from Shortwave Publishing and benefitting Spirited Giving. Her story “The Vultures Remain” will soon be read on the CREEPY Podcast, and a flash fiction piece, “Ghost in the Gas Station Bathroom,” will be published in Sley House Publishing's “Tales of Sley House 2024.” Her grief horror story “Rock-a-Bye” will be published in DREAD, vol. 1, by Cemetery Dance Publications. And in the fall, her hybrid collection “Self-Made Monsters” will be released by Alien Buddha Press.
Recently, Cuthbert became the editor-in-chief of PsychoToxin Press PINK, the feminist horror imprint of PsychoToxin Press. The imprint's first title, Ink Vine by Elizabeth Broadbent, will be out in April.