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past Job and Career Fair in the Williams Center
past Job and Career Fair in the Williams Center
  • February 22, 2024
  • Christopher LaGrow

Fredonia’s Career Development Office (CDO) will host its annual Job & Internship Expo on Wednesday, March 6, from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Williams Center.

The event is free and open to current students as well as Fredonia alumni. The university is also inviting Jamestown Community College students to participate in the event through a new SUNY initiative that supports creating robust regional academic partnerships for transfer students seeking a bachelor's degree.

The Job & Internship Expo is expected to bring to campus more than 80 organizations eager to discuss their potential job and internship openings with Fredonia candidates. Represented industries are expected to include business/finance, communication/media, education, STEM, health and human service and government agencies (including law enforcement), and many other fields, offering full- and part-time positions, summer jobs and/or paid or for-credit internships. Employer contacts will also be available to speak more generally about their career journey and industry areas, making it an excellent learning and networking opportunity for individuals from all class years, majors and backgrounds.

Previously confined to one space in Williams Center, the 2024 event is scheduled to host multiple industry-specific fairs throughout the first and second floors of the building.

Organizations expected to participate are based in Erie (NY) and Chautauqua counties, as well as the Rochester (NY) area, and beyond. Many organizations will be represented by Fredonia alumni and current Fredonia interns. Some organizations may return for on-campus interviews in the weeks following the event.

In addition to openings posted for the event, the CDO's FREDNetwork platform (accessible to Fredonia students and alumni here) features 10,000+ job & internship opportunities available locally and across the country. Also new this year will be a presentation shortly after the expo (at 4:30 p.m.), sponsored by the School of Business and the CDO, on “Leveraging Your Network Through LinkedIn to Secure the Best Opportunities in your Career Journey,” by Nuria Garcia in Thompson Hall Room W101.

A full list of participating organizations can be found here, and participants will continue to be added as the event approaches.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend any or all of the individual mini-fairs to maximize opportunities for career and professional readiness. They are encouraged to dress professionally, bring several copies of résumés or work portfolios, and come prepared by researching the employers and their industries before the event. The CDO also encourages students who wish to brush up their resume or their interviewing skill before the event to schedule an appointment using FREDNetwork.

To learn more, contact the Career Development Office by phone at (716) 673-3327 or email.