Dr. Courtney Wigdahl-Perry, Dr. Matthew Lanning
Dr. Courtney Wigdahl-Perry, Dr. Matthew Lanning
Interested in learning about the environment? Enjoy being outside? Need to earn some money during the summer and perhaps beyond?
The departments of Geology and Environmental Sciences and Biology are hosting a summer job/internship workshop for those who can answer “yes” to these questions. Department of Biology Associate Professor Courtney Wigdahl-Perry and Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences Assistant Professor Matthew Lanning will introduce summer jobs of all kinds that focus on the environment and ecology.
The session, in Science Center Room 122 on Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 7 p.m., is free and open to all students.
“We will go through different options for summer internships and jobs for environmentally-related fields,” Dr. Courtney Wigdahl-Perry explained. “We will cover how to find a wide range of opportunities and what might be a good fit to help you in your career goals.”
Students will receive guidance on how to navigate various options and find opportunities in a variety of locations.
Many of these job leads are not affiliated with SUNY Fredonia, Courtney-Wigdahl noted, “so we will go over various listservs and job boards that cover a broad range of positions and agencies/groups looking for employees.”
Environmentally-related opportunities exist in many sectors under different names, so it can be challenging to even find out where to look without some guidance, Courtney-Wigdahl explained, “so we will walk through resources for options from local to international scale.”
Information on summer fellowships for biology students for summer research that are supported by the Holmberg Foundation/Dr. Robert Wettingfeld Science Endowment and the Joseph and Jane (Schuster) Falcone Endowment for Scholarship and Research, as well as the Undergraduate Research Award sponsored by Dr. Donald Nelson Nasca – all through the Fredonia College Foundation – will also be presented.
Students in all academic fields are welcome to the workshop, Wigdahl-Perry added.
“Get your hands wet and your feet dirty this summer.”