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Isabelle “Issa” Paul, displaying her RA of the Month certificate, with Residence Director Jacob Steinhoff.
Isabelle “Issa” Paul, displaying her RA of the Month certificate, with Residence Director Jacob Steinhoff.

Isabelle “Issa” Paul, displaying her RA of the Month certificate, with Residence Director Jacob Steinhoff.

  • May 2, 2024
  • Marketing and Communications staff

Isabelle “Issa” Paul, a senior majoring in Psychology, has been named RA of the Month for March by the Office Residence Life. 

She is a third-semester resident assistant at University Commons/Gregory Hall, from Peekskill, NY.

Jacob Steinhoff, residence director of University Commons/Gregory Hall, nominated Ms. Paul for the award, praising her work and remarking that she “always does a good job, but she is at her best when a challenge is presented.”

A graduate of Hendrick Hudson High School in Montrose, NY, Ms. Paul belongs to the Music Therapy and Psychology clubs, works on campus at Willy C’s, is a tour guide in the Office of Admissions and also a karate instructor.

When asked about her favorite things about Fredonia, Paul responded, “The fresh air, my amazing friends and that most of the time I can see the stars clearly at night.”

After graduation, Paul will continue working as a karate instructor. She is a second-degree black belt and is working to achieve the third-degree black belt ranking.