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President Stephen H. Kolison Jr.
President Stephen H. Kolison Jr.

SUNY Fredonia President Stephen H. Kolison Jr.

  • May 15, 2022
  • Marketing and Communications staff

Dear Fredonia Students, Faculty, and Staff,

I am deeply saddened and troubled by the shootings that occurred yesterday in Buffalo. Whenever there is such a violent loss of lives, it leaves people of good will everywhere sad and concerned. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the families, and I urge our community to remember them in ways that are supportive and uplifting. 

These tragedies remind us of how important it is to be concerned about the welfare of others. If you feel that you need to reach out to seek support, I encourage you to do so. Students, please contact the Counseling Center. Employees can find free and confidential resources that can provide support for the whole family through the Employee Assistance Program. Support is available for all 24/7/365 through the Chautauqua County Crisis Hotline (1-800-724-0461) or by texting Got5U to 741-741. 

To report incidents of discrimination or harassment or incidents of hate or bias visit this site. As Fredonians, we condemn any and all violence.


Stephen H. Kolison Jr., Ph.D. 

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