Visiting Fulbright Lecturer from Hungary to present on politics in Hungary and postmemory narratives

Lisa Eikenburg

Fulbright Professor Mónika Fodor, an author of narrative, identity, and translation studies, will visit Fredonia this month to give presentations on her research and on politics in Hungary.

Her first presentation, titled “Hungarian Society & Culture since 1990,” will focus on the end of the communist regime and the hardships and turbulence faced as Hungary transitioned into a democracy. This presentation will be held Friday, Feb. 23 at the Reed Library Garden from 2 to 3:15 p.m.

Fodor will also speak on “Ethnic Identity Construction in Postmemory Narratives,” which focuses on Fodor’s United States-based research and ethnographic field work, and Marianne Hirsch’s concept of postmemory. Fodor’s postmemory narratives are described as not simple retellings of the past, but tellings of the personal, collective, and cultural trauma that withstood generations. According to Fodor, it is a passing and inheritance of one’s consciousness to the next generation as the storyteller’s identity is shaped by the defining moment of their ancestors’ past. The talk will be held Monday, Feb. 26 in the Williams Center Room G103B, from noon to 1 p.m.

Fodor is a visiting professor at Cleveland State University and is an assistant professor in the Department of English Literatures and Cultures at the University of Pécs in Hungary. Fodor is currently working on a book titled, “Ethnic Subjectivity in Postmemory Narratives: The Politics of the Untold,” which will be published by Routledge in 2019.

In addition to her presentations, Fodor will meet with students planning to study abroad in Hungary, as well as other students or faculty interested in pursuing Fulbright in Hungary.

All presentations are free and open to the public.

The Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF) provides funding through the Fulbright Scholar Program for campuses to host visiting Fulbright Scholars to travel for short-term speaking engagements. The OLF was designed to enrich and promote academic disciplines and cultural understanding.

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