Women’s Studies seniors to present capstone research

Christine Davis Mantai

SUNY Fredonia Women’s Studies majors and minors will present the results of their senior capstone research at the Women's Studies Spring Symposium on May 6 at 5:30 p.m. in the Williams Center in S-104. 

The symposium will consist of five presentations.

  • Amanda Caldwell and Amanda Ciesielski, both psychology majors with women’s studies and sociology minors, will present their research titled “Lesbian Dating Relationships.”
  • Atira Hepworth is a psychology major with women’s studies, sociology and public health minors. Her presentation is called “Mothers Perspectives on the Sexualization of Girls and Early Puberty Experiences.”
  • Alyssa Brooke-Gay with majors in women’s studies, English and American studies, will present “Feminism and Environmental Justice.”
  • Amanda Plucknette, a psychology major and women’s studies minor will give a presentation titled “Domestic Violence Shelters: Attempting to Advocate Female Victims of Violence.”
  • Lastly, Ginger Smith a history and women's studies majors and American studies minor will present her work called “Women and Western Movement.”

Each of the presentations was directed by a SUNY Fredonia professor, including Drs. Jennifer Dyck and Ingrid Johnston-Robledo from the psychology department, Christina Jarvis from the English department, and Mary Beth Sievens of the history department.

The symposium is an annual event which gives the students the opportunity to show off their hard work over the semester as well as an opportunity for a final farewell to the seniors.

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