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Get involved!

Every campus club or organization offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, community-building, and the forging of lasting friendships. More than that, each is an opportunity to have fun and explore your personal interests outside the classroom.

You can find groups in any category. And if you don't see the one you want--start it !

Activities for Everyone

Can I Start a Club or Organization?

Yes! Campus Life encourages students to form clubs that suit their academic, professional, or personal passions.

How Do I Join?

Joining a club or organization is often as easy as showing up!

All Clubs and Organizations

With over 120 student organizations on campus, there are numerous campus activities and events happening each day! As a student at Fredonia, you have the opportunity to join these organizations, or create your own. Please take a moment to look through our Campus Life Events. If you have questions about student activities on campus, please contact the Office of Campus Life at 716-673-3143.

Join FREDconnect to stay connected with Student Activities and Organizations.
Join us at FREDconnect to stay connected with student activities, events, and groups.

Making Connections

I've met a lot of people in clubs and organizations whom I wouldn't know otherwise. It's really cool to meet people who are so encouraging for you to try new things. You never know what opportunities you might bump into or who you might connect with.

— Rebekah Gerace

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