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Promising Pathways WEB Banner

The Vision

As a member of the local community, Fredonia is committed to helping identify and communicate transformative pathways to post-secondary educational opportunities. Connecting the community to resources that are important to future career success allows us to build a college-going culture together within Chautauqua County and the surrounding regions.

"College-going culture refers to the environment, attitudes, and practices in schools and communities that encourage students and their families to obtain the information, tools, and perspectives to enhance access to and success in post-secondary education." - University of California, College Tools for Schools

Studies show that post-secondary education in linked to greater lifetime earnings, better health outcomes, and more engaged community members, just to name a few of the positive impacts (How College Shapes Lives: Understanding the Issues, October 2013).

Individuals, families, and communities all benefit from the ripple-effect of a more educated and skilled society. We can work together to improve our region and our communities by continuing students’ strong educational foundations beyond high school.

Discover a pathway to your future by exploring different career options, academic majors, and options for education beyond high school.

Explore Career Pathways

MyFuture - You path could lead you to a four-year university, a two-year college, to a vocational trade school, Military Service, or even the Peace Corps!

Promising Pathways Partnership Program for School Districts and Parents.

Fredonia has compiled easy, low-cost ways to reinforce the importance of education beyond high school. Here are some helpful toolkits designed for students and families who are learning to navigate the college-going process, as well as for School Districts.

RESOURCE TOOLKITS (Students, Families, and School Districts)

New Student and Transition Programs

  • 604 Maytum Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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