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As the most fundamental of the sciences, physics offers insights into some of the most profound questions about our Universe. The quest to understand the laws that govern natural phenomena also drives practical advancements in technology and engineering. In fact it has been said that the physics of today is the engineering of tomorrow. At Fredonia, you will learn the tools necessary for a diverse number of career paths including scientific research, engineering, and education.

The Fredonia Difference

Fredonia’s unique approach to the physics major creates an intensive program in your first three years, giving you breathing room in your fourth year to pursue topics you’re passionate about; opportunities you don’t get in other undergraduate programs. Some of the electives available include: Astronomy, Elementary Particle Theory, Atomic Physics, Statistical Physics, Mathematical Physics, and Condensed Matter.

Career Opportunities for Physics

  • Engineering
  • Biophysics
  • Technical business
  • Patent law
  • Finance
  • Medicine
  • Radiation therapy
  • Education
  • Scientific writing


What does a 4-year degree look like?

View Example 4-Year Curriculum

What are all the required and elective courses offered to obtain this degree?

View Full Curriculum

Sample Courses

PHYS 333 Electricity and Magnetism

Mathematical theory of electrostatics and electromagnetism employing vector calculus. Applications of Maxwell's equations.

PHYS 323 Circuit Analysis

A development of network analysis including Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws, dependent and independent voltage and current sources, circuit simplification techniques including node-voltage, mesh-current methods.

PHYS 234 Modern Physics

Special relativity, wave motion, basic concepts of quantum mechanics, atomic structure, solid state, and nuclear physics, including a weekly three hour lab.

Student Story

Fredonia and my professors gave me the tools and inspiration to become a leader, a scientist, a mentor, and the aspiration to make an impact in the world.

— Sarah Chamberlain

Why Physics at Fredonia?

physics students work on a project

Active student club

An active physics club engages in research projects and outreach activities, takes field trips, and attending conferences. Recent club projects have involved magnetic levitation, holography, robotics, and construction of physics demonstration.

a fredonia professor helps a student with a project


You’re not taught by grad students at Fredonia. You’ll learn from faculty members who are accomplished scholars and enjoy involving you in their research.

students look at the stars in the planetarium


Literally from top (State-of-the-art, 17" PlaneWave telescope on top of Science Center) to bottom (planetarium in basement of Jewett Hall), Fredonia’s facilities rival those of bigger institutions.

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