Eggs from the Permian age
Eggs from the Permian age
Associate Professor Thomas Hegna was a co-author of two articles using SUNY Fredonia's new scanning electron microscope and energy-dispersive spectrometer.
“A new archaeostomatopod from Pennsylvania Wea Shale member, Nebraska” illustrated the elemental composition of a new fossil mantis shrimp showing variation in the fossilization process. It was published in the Nov. 6 issue of American Museum of Natural History.
The article can be found here.
“Putative branchiopod and vertebrate eggs from the Remigiusberg Lagerstatte (Pennsylvania-Permian boundary) of the Saar-Nahe Basin, SW Germany” identified minute fossil eggs of Permian age from Germany. It was published in Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie.
The article can be found here.
Dr. Hegna, of the Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences, specifically worked on the analysis and interpretation of the crustacean eggs.
The National Science Foundation funded the purchase of the SEM-EDS.