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Referral Process


New York State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) was established as a voluntary, confidential information and referral service. The referral process is any action taken or assistance offered to an employee that addresses particular needs.


New York State EAP Regional Representatives and Coordinators serve the employees of New York State by assessing their personal needs and problems, and by referring troubled employees to appropriate professional resource providers. Case records, progress notes, or specific treatment issues should not be sent to or shared with the EAP program by resource providers except where authorized by written legal agreement signed by the client and with appropriate consent forms on file.


The employee contacts an EAP Coordinator. Although a supervisor, peer, or union representative can make referrals, the call for appointment or assistance must come from the employee. The program is voluntary.

  • The employee and Coordinator meet to discuss the employee's problem(s). The Coordinator interviews the employee and allows ample time for the employee to discuss issues and problems.
  • The Coordinator assesses the employee's needs, based on the interview. Generally, this occurs during the initial meeting. Occasionally, more than one meeting will be necessary, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
  • The Coordinator considers treatment options for resolving the employee's problem(s). Factors taken into consideration are financial (including insurance coverage), geographic location of resource provider, client preferences, and appropriateness of resource providers being considered.
  • The Coordinator presents possible options to the employee.
  • The employee accepts or rejects the options presented.
  • The Coordinator requests the employee's signature on the "Consent for Release of Information Form" (EAP-4) if the employee wants the Coordinator to contact anyone else regarding the referral.
  • The Coordinator may request that the employee report on his/her progress. In this way, the Coordinator may also measure the appropriateness of the referral.
  • The employee's relationship now shifts from the Coordinator/employee to resource provider/employee. Coordinators may not provide ongoing counseling.
  • Subsequent contact with the employee is minimal, and is limited to either reintegration into the worksite following treatment or brief conversations concerning the employee's progress.
  • Family members seeking EAP services follow the same procedures.
  • Coordinators must follow the New York State EAP policies on confidentiality and consent for release of information, including exceptions to confidentiality.
  • Written permission must be obtained for a Coordinator to discuss a referral with a supervisor, family member, or union representative.
  • New York State EAP Regional Representatives and Coordinators are the only individuals who can recommend referrals.

Employee Assistance Program

  • Human Resources 511 Maytum Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063