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The importance of emergency preparedness extends into the classroom. Students, even in higher education settings, look to the instructor for guidance and definitive action during an emergency. Even in classes as small as five individuals, students expect the instructor to have answers and a clear plan when an emergency occurs.

Faculty and instructors who take a few minutes at the start of each semester to familiarize their students with basic evacuation and emergency procedures will find that they and their students are better prepared for an emergency.

Faculty and instructors are presented with a unique challenge in emergency planning as they travel between buildings and classrooms delivering lectures and guiding lab activities. The following information is intended to serve as a quick reference during emergencies. There is additional information on the Emergency Response Procedures page and in the red "Campus Emergency Procedures" manuals located in each classroom.


  • Clearly cover the basic emergency procedures for the class during the first week of class (10 minutes of pre-planning can save lives).
  • Know how to report an emergency from the classroom (or nearby location – locate emergency phones).
  • Communicate the evacuation route and assembly area outside the building in case of emergency.
  • Sign-up for NY-Alert and encourage your students to do the same.
  • Discuss RAVE Guardian with students and encourage them to download the app.
  • Ask students if they have emergency training such as CPR or first aid and let them know they may be called upon in an emergency.
  • Be aware that Automatic External Defribillators (AEDs) are located in every building on campus. Fredonia currently has 110 AED units available for use. AEDs are located in the main lobby of each building as well as several other key locations.
  • Evacuate the classroom if a medical emergency occurs to allow emergency responders to access the victim.
  • Persons with special needs, who self-identify, should be able to provide information on special assistance needs if an emergency occurs.
  • Persons with special needs may need assistance leaving the building during an evacuation.
  • Most importantly: provide leadership if an emergency arises and follow emergency procedures for all building alarms and emergencies.

  • Dial x3333 from a campus phone or 716-673-3333 or 911 (take the time now to program University Police’s number into your cell phone)
  • State the nature of emergency.
  • Remain on the line until the operator hangs up.

  • Class roster
  • Cell phone
  • List of important telephone numbers (e.g. department leadership, supervisors, or lab managers, if applicable)

  • Use the nearest available exit.
  • Evacuation routes are posted on the walls of hallways in each building. 
  • Know the evacuation routes for your classroom.
  • Look for illuminated EXIT signs in larger classrooms to determine primary and secondary Exits.
  • All fire alarms require mandatory evacuation.

  • As your class is evacuating the classroom, ensure that everyone is leaving the building.
  • Outside assembly areas have been designated for all campus buildings. Emergency evacuation location for each building
  • If you cannot get to your assembly area, evacuate to at least 50 feet from the building and away from Emergency Responders. Familiarize yourself with these procedures.
  • Ensure that your class knows the location and use it to account for students during an evacuation.

Click this link for information on evacuating persons with disabilities.

Run / Hide / Fight

  • If it is safe to exit the building, do so and get as far away from the building as possible.
  • Dial x3333 from a campus phone or 716-673-3333 or 911.
  • If it is not safe to exit the building, secure the classroom by locking the doors (if possible).
  • Block the door with desks, chairs, or tables or other heavy objects.
  • Move people away from windows and get behind items that protect them (desk, chairs, tables, etc.).
  • Silence your cell phone and instruct students to as well.
  • Treat the injured using basic first aid (apply pressure to wounds and elevate bleeding arms or legs).
  • If there are no other options, commit to fighting the assailant.

Environmental Health, Safety, and Sustainability

  • 140 Hendrix Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063