
Events and news of what's happening around the Fredonia campus.

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Filmmaker takes camera behind scenes with Whirling Dervishes

Christine Davis Mantai

To the advantage of her audiences, filmmaker Nefin Dinc’s eyes become theirs. A documentary filmmaker allowed to follow a group of whirling dervishes behind the scenes as they prepare for a ceremony in Turkey, she turned her camera on a 12-year old girl who was undergoing the spiritual and physical training to perform the ancient devotional dance. “I wanted to show a glimpse of Islamic life in Turkey,” the SUNY Fredonia communication professor said. Professor Nefin Dinc

Turkish exchange program begins Fall '06

Christine Davis Mantai

Fredonia is the latest institution in the SUNY network to sign onto an international dual-diploma, joint-degree program that was established in 2003 with the Turkish Council of Higher Education. The newest agreement will see 30 university students from Izmir, Turkey entering Fredonia in the Fall of 2007 to earn degrees in either computer science or international studies.