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Leading change locally and globally

Our incredible community of donors and supporters has increased access to higher education for thousands of students who might not otherwise have attended Fredonia. We encourage students to engage in research, take advantage of unique educational experiences, and expand Fredonia's positive impact in the world. 

No one "gets" a scholarship. Every student scholarship recipient earns their award through hard work and dedication to their discipline. Donors like you transform lives.

Make a one-time gift in any amount, providing flexible funding to cover essential needs.

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Dedicated Community

Donors join a remarkable community of alumni and friends dedicated Fredonia's bright future!

Unrestricted Funds

Donors who make gifts without stipulating how they should be used are providing "unrestricted" funding that allows Fredonia the ability to apply them toward its immediate priorities, ranging from day to day operations to sudden emergencies, to rare opportunities.

Every Gift Matters

Just as an orchestra depends on every instrument in-tune and playing their part, Fredonia relies on donors and friends to help us continually improve the campus community for all.

Extraordinary Impact

Fredonia students engage in a wide array for creative activities, like theatre and dance

Measurable Impact

“Succeeding as a student at Fredonia is something that I have been striving to accomplish; this goal is certainly more achievable now that I have the ability to focus attentively on academics instead of worrying about paying for college. Thank you!"

Fredonia students are empowered by scholarships

Making a Difference

“I am so very grateful for receiving this scholarship. Finances are tight, and this scholarship is helping me continue my education and grow closer to becoming a History Teacher. It means more to me than you can ever imagine."

Fredonia students who earn scholarships often display increased affinity for their alma mater

Paying it Forward

“I remain humble and filled with so much gratitude for being selected as a recipient of this scholarship. I will remember this always and hope to be in a position one day to help a student like you have helped me.”

Ways to Give

Endow a New Fund

An endowed fund exists in perpetuity for the benefit of a Fredonia student, project or program. Endowment funds are invested by the Fredonia College Foundation with the goal of providing both annual distribution and appreciation of the fund balance.

Support Existing Funds

The Fredonia College Foundation currently manages more than 500 active scholarships and awards. Many donors choose to contribute to an existing fund, thereby supporting and furthering the successful work already underway.

Naming Opportunities

From academic buildings and lecture halls to athletic facilities, gardens, and gathering spaces, numerous options exist for donors to leave a lasting legacy. Explore the diverse naming opportunities available throughout Fredonia's picturesque 256-acre campus.

Planned Giving

Our dedicated planned giving team is committed to working closely with you and your advisors to craft a charitable plan tailored to your unique circumstances.

We are the official fundraising and private gift-receiving organization for SUNY Fredonia. Our foundation administers resources and supervises the investment of philanthropic funds and other revenues for the university. 

A copy of our most recently filed financial report is available from the Charities Registry on the New York State Office of  the Attorney General Charities bureau website. You may reach them at 212-416-8401, or request a copy by contacting the Fredonia College Foundation at 716-673-3321. 

Learn about the Fredonia College Foundation and how we steward your gift. 

Financial Data


Our incredible Board of Directors provides guidance and support.  

Fredonia College Foundation Board of Directors

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