
Events and news of what's happening around the Fredonia campus.

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Stroke Support Group meetings set

Christine Davis Mantai

The Youngerman Center for Communication Disorders will resume offering support group meetings for stroke and head injury survivors and family members. The group will meet the first and third Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. in room W127 Thompson Hall. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 19.

SUNY Fredonia Goes Green with Pride (Not Envy)

Christine Davis Mantai

The latest phase in SUNY Fredonia’s unwavering commitment to “go green” begins Sunday, Jan. 27, with the arrival of “RecycleMania,” a 10-week competition among more than 200 colleges and universities across the country vying for top recycling honors. Students, faculty and staff are invited to join the campus-wide campaign to improve resource conservation by expanding SUNY Fredonia’s already considerable recycling volume.


Faculty win grants from Carnahan-Jackson Fund

Christine Davis Mantai

Awards for the 2008-2009 cycle of the Carnahan-Jackson Humanities Fund of the Fredonia College Foundation have been announced. A total of $20,350 was awarded to faculty and staff in the departments of history, English, philosophy, theatre, visual arts and new media, and the School of Music and Reed Library.