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Dr. Scott Ferguson works with a student in a lab

Bringing students into faculty research

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN Faculty research is an important aspect of teaching at Fredonia. Dr. Scott Ferguson makes sure his students are involved in...

MaryAnn Mason

Continuing education through summer research

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN Scholarships awarded to MaryAnn Mason allowed her to pursue a masters degree in Biology. "I have a mortgage payment, electric...

Elizabeth Hahn is a Biology major, with a Music minor in the Class of 2021.

At the intersection of science and art

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN Scholarships awarded to Elizabeth Hahn allowed her to pursue her two unique passions; a career in the health professions, and...

Gathering around a portrait of Kay Hardesty Logan, a philanthropist, musician and arts patron, at the dedication of the Logan Green Room at Rockefeller Arts Center.

Rockefeller Arts Center Green Room Named

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN The Kay Hardesty Logan Foundation of Arlington, Va., has named the Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center’s green room at the...

A donation to the Fredonia School of Music

Fredonia School of Music dedicates Granger piano practice studio

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN A piano practice studio has been dedicated in honor of Christian “Chris” Granger, a 1966 graduate of the School of...

Video Production students and other interns got a taste of life in Hollywood as part of a film crew during the production of a documentary film that was shot at the lighthouse in Dunkirk, N.Y.

Real-life experience in film production

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN Heroes become victims in a compelling and locally-produced new film.

Dr. Junaid Zubairi, professor of Computer and Information Sciences at the State University of New York at Fredonia

Fredonia professor receives U.S. patent for pioneering flight tracking technology

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN A revolutionary technology, developed by Junaid Zubairi, professor of Computer and Information Sciences, has the potential to render obsolete the...

Keah Brown, a 2013 Journalism graduate from Fredonia.

Fredonia success story: Keah Brown

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN Keah Brown’s fate was sealed as a teenager when she got lost; in words, in characters, and in stories.

Dance rehearsal in the Merrins Dance Theatre.

A lasting legacy in the Rockefeller Arts Center

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center naming gifts.

Shaun Nelms, Ed.D., '99, is superintendent of East High School in Rochester, N.Y.

Fredonia success story: Shaun Nelms, Ed.D.

ABOUT THE NURTURING INNOVATION CAMPAIGN When you’re a first-generation college student, there’s really no way to know what’s just ahead.