Programs that involve university employees travelling with students outside of the US and its territories must be registered through the Office of International Education (OIE). International travel with students might include optional activities that enhance an on-campus course or expand the students' opportunities outside the classroom. Examples might include a faculty member coordinating attendance to a conference with a group of students or a faculty member taking students on an optional field trip.
If the activity is not optional and is a required activity as part of a credit-bearing course, it is considered a study abroad course and you'll need to contact the OIE to register a study abroad program.
Activities led by students and student organizations are considered independent travel and do not need to be registered unless a university employee is traveling with the students.
To register international travel with students:
1. Read the university's policy. Then contact the OIE with information about your program.
2. The program reviewed and approved by the Chair, Dean, Office of International Education, and the Office of the Provost.
3. Schedule a session with the OIE to complete required training. Each university employee travelling with students must complete training.
4. Approval of the program is permanent unless there is a significant change in the program or policy.
5. Additions of other university employees to the program will require training but not a separate approval process.
6. Each time a program is planned, the lead faculty must ensure that appropriate student documents are collected and submitted to OIE, and a Travel Authorization for the program, including a roster of participants, must be submitted to the Office of Accounting.