Our Tutors
Tutoring Services is staffed by students from nearly all disciplines offered at Fredonia. These students have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement and come highly recommended by faculty in their majors. They are provided training to help support students through the learning process.
Aidan - Music

Aidan (He/Him) is a Junior Music Education major and Arts Administration Minor from Lancaster, NY. Outside of Music, Aidan loves to bike, hike, hammock and read! Aidan recommends always taking time for yourself and to work towards YOUR best, not to be THE best.
Alexander - Computer Science
Hello, my name is Alexander. I am a computer science major with a concentration is software development and minors in communications and web development from Endicott New York. I love to play sports, especially tennis and volleyball, and I'm a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. Technology is also pretty cool. A tip for being successful is putting your knowledge into practice. If you are able to take what you've learned and apply it to a real life situation, you have mastered the material.
Anna - Peer Success Coach

Hello, my name is Anna (she/her), and I'm a Senior majoring in English Adolescent Education. I live in Centerville, a small country town in New York. When I'm not at college, I love spending time with my horses, dogs, and friends. I also enjoy spending as much time as I can outside and trying new foods. My one tip for being a successful college student is to ask your teachers for help. Whether you think it's something small or not, they are there to help you.
Annemarie - Chemistry
Hello! My name is Annemarie and I am from Springville, NY. I'm a senior Biochemistry major and I am the president of the Chemistry club on campus. In my free time I enjoy sailing, road biking, being in nature, and staying active. One tip I have for being a successful college student is to find a place where you can get work done without distractions.
Ben - Math & Physics
Hi! I'm Ben (he/him), a junior majoring in Physics and Mathematics, and I'm from Webster, NY. I have a passion for learning new things especially in these areas but also in general. Outside of class I enjoy making/listening to music and I play piano, guitar, and percussion. One tip I have for being a successful student is to figure out how to learn on your own. This will help enormously with college, but also in life. Good luck!
Bex - Math
Hi! I'm Bex (they, them). I'm a sophomore math major from right here in Fredonia. I like to play volleyball, play video games, and do various types of crafts. There's a difference between getting good grades and being successful in a class. Just because you're getting A's doesn't mean you fully understand what you're learning and will be able to apply that knowledge to other things, don't get complacent.
Bridget - Writing

Hello! My name is Bridget (she/her), and I am a junior English Adolescent Education major with a minor in Spanish. I am from Lancaster, NY and am the president of Writers’ Ring here on campus! I love reading and writing (duh), but I also love to make music, shop for wacky clothes, and spend time with my dog, Hades. Something to remember when striving for success in college is to never be afraid to ask for help! Whether that is from your professors or even that random peer who sits next to you in class, more people are in the same boat and willing to help than you may think.
Colleen - Biology & Chemistry

Hi! My name is Colleen and I'm a senior from Irondequoit, NY. I'm a Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry double major and I'm the president of both Health Professions Club and Fredonia for Friends of Honduran Children on campus. I do research on human physiology and metabolism in Dr. Backes's lab. My dream job is to become a research scientist studying the pharmacology/physiology of metabolic and endocrine disorders! One tip I have for being a successful college student is to establish a good relationship with your professors, as they are here to help you if you are willing to reach out.
Elias - Music
Elias is a sophomore music education major whose major instrument is piano, and secondary instrument viola. He is from Northport, NY, and has been taking theory classes since AP Music Theory in 10th grade. In his free time, he enjoys composing, performing with friends, and daydreaming about writing a musical. He has found that success in college comes from taking what one does seriously, but not too seriously - work hard, but always find ways to make work fun.
Ella - Peer Success Coach

Hi! My name is Ella (she/her). I am majoring in English Adolescent Education. I am from Eden, NY. In my free time, I enjoy snowboarding, running, and martial arts. I also love making jewelry, painting, and spending time with friends. My one tip for being successful in college is organizing all of your due dates on one calendar. It can be hard to complete assignments on time without visualizing when they are due.
Genna - Music

Hi my name is Genna and I am a junior music education major with a concentration in flute! I am from Long Island and my pronouns are she/her. In order to be a successful college student, I found it is most important to stay organized. Personally I love using a calendar to keep track of all the important dates throughout the semester as well as my class schedule. I also like to keep track of all my assignments in one place so I never forget that I have something to turn in!
Harley - Writing
Hey there! I'm Harley and I'm a junior double major in BFA Acting and BA Writing. My pronouns are they/them and I'm from Rockland County, New York. Theatre, literature, and music are my three biggest passions; I happen to be the assistant music director of Dynamic Intonation, the only pop-jazz a capella group on campus. The key to a successful time at college is to learn to let things go sometimes. Try not to take anything (including yourself) too seriously.
Heather - Writing
I’m a senior English Adolescent Education and Writing double major. I’m from Long Island. I use they/them pronouns. I love embroidery. My tip for success, specific to the English Education program, is to pay attention to how your professors and if a professor gives really helpful assignments, save them so you can use them as an example when you start lesson planning.
Jacob - Math

Hi, my name is Jacob! I'm a senior with a double major in Mathematics and Mathematics Adolescence Education. I am from Springville New York, and use male pronouns. I have various interests including reading various fantasy series, playing video games, hiking awesome trails, and even some cooking. If I had to provide one tip for being a successful college student it would be to persevere through any struggles, sometimes an extra 5 minutes to 30 minutes on a problem or topic can lead to greater understanding.
Sammy - Economics
Hello friends and neighbors, my name is Sammy, a second year Economics & Music Industry dual major with a minor in Data Science. Might add on another minor, who knows. Anyway, I'm the founder of the MILS at Fredonia, a music industry lecture series, and a founding member of the Fredonia Econ & Finance club starting fall 2024! I'm also an RA at Kasling, and hold the treasurer positions at Sound Services and MIC,. Outside of boring school stuff, I produce music and play guitar(like actually), and enjoy weightlifting and kickboxing. My tip for college success is to be enthusiastic and actively look out for opportunities.
Karissa - Accounting
Hi, I’m Karissa (she/her). I’m a senior Public Accountancy and Business Admin. - Finance major from North Collins, NY. Outside of school I enjoy crocheting, listening to music, and hanging out with my cat, Otto! Something that’s helped me succeed in my classes is trying out different ways to take notes and seeing which one works best.
Kaylee - Peer Success Coach

Hello! I’m Kaylee, from Derby, NY. I'm a senior majoring in Communication Disorders and Sciences with a minor in School and Counseling Psychology. Outside of school, I enjoy walking, concerts, and fishing! One tip I have for being a successful college student is to set daily study goals for yourself, even small ones! Reviewing the material at your own pace is much less stressful than cramming it in days before the test. This approach alleviates test anxiety by ensuring you have the time to clarify any confusion with the material through discussions with your professors and classmates well before the test!
Maddie - CDS & Psychology

Hi! My name is Maddie (she/her) and I'm a CDS and Psychology double major from New Hartford, NY. I love to sing, crochet, listen to music, and learn! One tip I have for being a successful student is to cater your study methods to your learning style, and find ways to make it fun. Also, remember to give yourself grace! Some topics/classes are harder than others. As long as you are working hard and trying your best, there is always something to be proud of!
Mae - Writing
Hello, I’m Mae! I am a third year English Adolescence Education student from Franklin, Pennsylvania, and my pronouns are she/her. When I’m not tutoring, I like to write song lyrics and watch video essays about historical fashion trends. My tip for being a successful college student is to talk to your professors! Going to office hours or emailing to ask for clarification on assignments is a great way to keep up in class, but also to ensure the professor knows how hard you’re working.
Marty - Economics & Statistics

Hi, I'm a senior at Fredonia and will graduate this spring with a double major in Applied Mathematics and Economics. In my free time, I play tennis with friends and work on my car. The best advice I can give to any college student is to spend quality time with friends and family.
Matt - Communication

Hi everyone! My name is Matt (he/him), and I'm a junior journalism major from Allegany, NY. I'm a HUGE sports fan, and I currently serve as the sports editor of our campus newspaper, The Leader. (Don't sweat it if you're not a sports addict like me, though... we can still be friends!) My biggest piece of advice is to make time for the things and the people you love, as it can be easy to get overwhelmed and it's super important to take care of yourself!
Melissa - Math & Physics

Hi! My name is Melissa (she/her/hers) and I'm a Sophomore. My major is physics and I have a minor in applied mathematics. I'm from Lancaster, NY (right outside of Buffalo). In my free time I host a radio show here at Fredonia, I play the guitar, and I spend a lot of time with friends. My biggest tip for being a successful college student is to try your best to follow a routine so that you can succeed both academically and socially.
Meredith - Music
My name is Meredith (they/them), and I am a junior Music Education major in piano, as well as a voice BA. I am from Amherst, NY, about an hour away from Fredonia. I like reading, drawing, playing video games, and watching anime. A tip for being a successful student is holding yourself accountable: it's one thing to set goals, but another to make sure you complete them. Self-accountability, I've found, increases my motivation, keeps me on track, and makes achievements personal.
Noah - Writing

I'm from Little Valley, NY, and I am an English Adolescence Education major. I love superheroes, video games, and playing outside. My tip for success in college is to take the extra step. Go to office hours, go to tutoring, ask your professor that question. All things of that nature simply make things easier for you.
Quillan - Math & Physics

Hi, my name is Quillan. I’m from Clyde, NY and I’m here at Fredonia studying physics! Some of my interests are track and field, music, and trying new things. One tip for being a successful college student is using all the resources available to you. Talking to your professors, going to tutoring sessions, and doing homework with a group of friends makes everything so much easier to understand and get done.
Shirley - Communication Disorders and Sciences
Hello! My name is Shirley. I am a junior in the Communication Disorders and Sciences major with a minor in Spanish. I am from the Hudson Valley, New York. I have always been interested in language and learning. Outside of academics, I enjoy hiking, baking, and volunteering. My biggest college tip (especially for future speech-language pathologists) is to use a planner to organize your schedule. I am looking forward to working with you!
Sydney - Biology & Chemistry

I am a Junior Biology major with a minor in Chemistry. I am originally from Ripley, NY. I work as a Resident Assistant in Kasling Hall, and I serve as the Student Representative of the Fredonia College Foundation Board as well as a President's Ambassador. I perform aquatic ecology research on Chautauqua Lake with Dr. Wighdahl-Perry and visiting researcher Dr. Hrycik. When I can, I enjoy playing intramural volleyball. To find success here, seek out opportunity. Don't wait for it to find you.