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Naming opportunities are available to recognize private support for learning opportunities that set Fredonia programs apart from others. Donors may contribute over a period of several years to fund naming opportunities and endowment funds. Group pledges are also encouraged. Please email Fredonia College Foundation if you are interested in a naming opportunity.  

All Features & Naming Opportunities | 1st Floor | 2nd Floor | 3rd Floor | Roof and Basement | Houghton Hall OnlyDownload PDF | Make a Gift Online


Science Center Map

Houghton Hall, 2nd floor:

  • 210) Bradley Collaboratory
    Designed for group or individual study with glass walls, comfortable seating, and large wall-mounted displays for group work.
  • 213) Stanley Conservation Room: $35,000
  • 214) Dr. Willard F. Stanley Museum (Named Endowment): $100,000
    A named endowment in support of the Dr. Willard F. Stanley Museum, and the outstanding natural science collection, used extensively by University Departments throughout the campus, and open to schools and the public.
  • 222) Conference Room: $50,000
  • 224) Robotics/Computer Vision Lab: $75,000
    A space for students to create autonomous robots. 
  • 234) Student Lounge: $35,000
    Intimate student study space with writing boards. 
  • 236) Classroom, $75,000 
  • 237) Math Education Room, $75,000
  • 256) Conference Room: $50,000
  • 258) Computer Hardware Lab: $50,000
    Utilizing CISCO kits to develop networking skills that could result in a CCNA certification.
  • 259) Kegler Multimedia and Computer Teaching Lab
    Lab is used for computer science courses (multimedia, vision and human computer interaction labs, geology, and statistics).
  • 260) Computer Teaching Lab 1: $75,000
    Lab is used for many computer science courses that involve operating systems, geology, and statistics.
  • 261) Conference Room, $50,000
  • 264) Math Department Fishbowl: $100,000
    Large, comfortable study room for students located in the heart of the math department, with faculty offices just steps away.
  • 265) Conference Room: $50,000

Houghton Hall, 2nd floor, Faculty Offices:

  • 215-233) Computer and Information Science (CIS) Faculty Offices: $10,000
    • 220) Joy Family Office
  • 219) Sliwa Systems Administrator Office


  • 238-263) Mathematical Sciences Faculty Offices: $10,000

Science Center, 2nd floor:

  • Gavin Balcony
    A key architectural feature of the building with its vaulted roof and views into the Science Courtyard and Science Quad, the Science Balcony opens from the Aerie. Donated by Nicole C. and Claire A. Gavin in memory of Dr. Peter F. Gavin, ‘92.
  • 210) Molecular Biology Research Suite: $40,000
    Research in the lab focuses on bacteria and their roles in different ecosystems. Students collaborate with faculty on research projects using molecular approaches to answer questions relating to environmental microorganisms.
  • 213) Fluorescent Microscopy Lab: $30,000
  • 214) Honduras Health Care Study Abroad Program: $30,000
  • 220) Gavin Aerie
    Perched above the Atrium this meeting room has views onto the Science Courtyard and the Science Quad. Donated by the Gavin Family.
  • 222) Genetics Research Suite: $40,000
    This suite provides space for joint student/faculty research programs in developmental genetics, signal transduction, and molecular biology. It features multiple microscope workstations, an anesthetic delivery system, cryostat sectioning for histology, and equipment for DNA amplification and analysis. Functional adjacencies include the Molecular Imaging Suite and Genetics Teaching Laboratory.
  • 224) Good Family Molecular Imaging Suite
    This space provides state-of-the-art technology for courses and research in genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology. Instrumentation includes a confocal laser scanning microscope as well as epifluorescent microscopy for detailed examination of cell and subcellular structure. Donated by Deborah J. Good.
  • 225) Pennica Research Laboratory:
    Donated by Dr. Diane Pennica. In honor of Mamie and Frank Pennica.
  • 226) Genetics Lab: $50,000
    This lab provides space for classical and advanced molecular genetics courses. State-of-the-art instrumentation for microscopy, DNA amplification, and molecular biology to facilitate inquiry-based learning. Computer and microscope projection capabilities allow for dynamic and interactive presentations. Seating is designed for lab, group and lecture activities.
  • 227) Carnahan–Jackson Foundation Research Lab
    Donated by the Carnahan-Jackson Foundation.
  • 231) Microbiology Lab: $50,000
    In this laboratory, students are involved in the identification of microbes by colonial and microscopic features, biochemical properties and antibiotic sensitivities. Advanced labs include serological and immunological determinations which detect antigen-antibody interactions.
  • 232) Aquatic Physiology Research Lab: $25,000
  • 236) Aquatic Ecology Research Lab: $25,000
  • 240B) Clean Room: $5,000
    The laminar flow hood and inverted phase microscope supports cell culture research and teaching labs.
  • 242) Biochemistry and Principles II Lab: $50,000
    This lab provides space for the Principles of Biology II (introductory cell and molecular lab course) and Biochemistry. Students work on the isolation and characterization of nucleic acids and proteins. This lab is designed to provide students with hands-on experiences learning techniques, and applications for research in the biochemical and molecular field.
  • 243) Anatomy/Physiology Lab: $50,000
    This teaching laboratory utilizes sophisticated data acquisition hardware/software that allows students to perform a comprehensive suite of physiological experiments, analyze resulting data and prepare reports, greatly enhancing their understanding and learning of complex systems. Additionally, the lab is set up to allow for traditional and computer-enhanced anatomical investigations, and incorporates a video feed from the instructor bench to monitors on the student benches, allowing the instructor to demonstrate features much more effectively.
  • 244) Marletta Conference Room
    Donated by Dr. Michael Marletta ’73.

Science Center, Study Alcoves:

  • A3, A4: $5,000 each 
    In front of each office pair, alcove spaces for studying are furnished with benches and writing boards, allowing for informal teaching.
  • A1) Fox Study Alcove
    Donated by the Fox Family. In honor of Dr. Kevin A. Fox, Distinguished Teaching Professor.
  • A2) Prusak Study Alcove
    Donated by Nancy E. Prusak in Memory of Mark P. Prusak, ‘75 Biology.
  • A5) Mandery Study Alcove
    Donated by David, ‘06 and Michelle Swackhammer, ‘10, ‘12 Mandery.

Science Center, Faculty Offices:

  • F1-F10: $10,000 each 
    Faculty offices are paired behind study alcoves and placed between teaching and research labs.

Science Center, Main Offices:

  • 221) Administrative Suite: $30,000
    Houses the Department Chairs, secretaries, files, and copier. Intended to be the hub where “intellectual collisions” occur between faculty members.
  • 221A) Yudenfreund-Sujka Biology Chair Office
    Donated by Dr. Shari Yudenfreund-Sujka ’79. In honor of Drs. Kevin Fox and Allen Benton.
  • 221B) Director, Pre-Health Professions: $7,500 
  • 221C) Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $10,000
  • 221D) Director, Science Education Partnership: $7,500

Fredonia Science Complex

  • 221 Science Center State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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