Advising and Registration / Advisement / Advising Registration Worksheet / Course Load /Attendance / Course Schedule / Pre-requisites / CCC and other Course Search Tips / Tuition and other Registration fees
Advising and Registration
Please refer to the Registrar's Calendar for registration dates.
All undergraduate students must meet with their academic advisor before they are permitted to register for the next semester. Advisors will release access to registration at the conclusion of the meeting via Your Connection. All registration activity will take place online in Your Connection through the second day of the semester.
The College at Fredonia regards academic advisement as a developmental process, fully as important as classroom instruction to the learning experience. Therefore, it is imperative that the student establishes a relationship with an academic advisor whom he/she trusts and respects.
The student/advisor team will keep abreast of general education requirements, declaration of major if necessary, and graduation requirements, to ensure that nothing is lacking to fulfill the student's timetable.
Declared majors are advised within their department. Liberal Arts students are assigned advisors through the Advising Center until they are ready to specialize. Questions about advising may be directed to that office.
Advising/Registration Worksheet
Worksheets are available in academic department or advisor offices. Each student is required to meet with his or her academic advisor during the Advising period to review academic progress. The original worksheet is a record for the student; the copy is retained in the advising folder.
Course Load
The normal course load is 15 credit hours (the minimum for full time status is 12 credit hours). Permission to take more than 18 hours requires approval from your major academic department.
Attendance is expected in all classes. The instructor is responsible for establishing the attendance policy in a course, and shall notify the class of such at the beginning of the semester.
Course Schedule
All available courses can be found using the online Course Schedule. When utilizing the Course Schedule please pay special attention to the ICONS of INFORMATION associated with each course. This information will assist you in planning your schedule of classes.
The database will not allow registration in a course if you have NOT met the pre-requisite requirement. You must have completed or be currently taking the pre-requisite.
Overrides for pre-requisites must be obtained from the academic department offering the course. DO THIS AHEAD OF YOUR REGISTRATION TIME!
Course Search Tips
Try a Simple Search First!
Select a Subject (except for Music courses) and click on the Class Search button. This will return ALL the courses being offered in the selected subject.
Use the Attribute Type Search for
- General Education Courses (FFC: Arts, FFT: Critical Thinking & Analysis, CCC Mathematics, etc.)
- Mini-Courses (courses that don't meet the full semester)
- Music Courses for Non-Majors
- Other program courses (Women's Studies, American Studies, etc.)
Music Major Special Information
Graduate Students - Search by LEVEL: Graduate
Undergraduate Students:
For your applied lessons, recital seminars, and recitations search by:
- SUBJECT: Music
- COURSE NUMBER: (125 or 300 or 347 etc.)
- INSTRUCTOR: Applied Teacher's Name
For all other Music Major courses search by the ATTRIBUTE: Music MAJORS Undergrad Courses
For Music Education, Music Therapy, and Sound Recording Technology courses, you may search by the SUBJECT and get all courses in that discipline.
For courses appropriate for non-music majors search by ATTRIBUTE: Music NON_MAJOR Courses
No results?
Make sure you haven't been too restrictive in your search categories.
Ex.: SUBJECT: Biology and ATTRIBUTE: CCC Arts will not return any courses. Instead, use SUBJECT: ALL, and ATTRIBUTE: CCC Arts
Don't search for "ALL" courses in "ALL" categories. A maximum of only 500 results can be displayed.
Searching by Day/Time will not yield correct results.
Tuition and other Registration fees
Please refer to the Student Accounts website for information regarding tuition and associated fees as well as the withdrawal policy.
All registration activity (drops, adds, course withdrawals) must be processed by the established deadlines. In those rare situations where a late transaction is approved it will be subject to a $20 fee. Please refer to the Registrar's Office Calendar for specific date information.
Students not registered by the first day of classes for a given semester (Fall/Spring) or session (J-Term/Summer) are subject to a $40 late registration fee.