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Contact Information:

Elizabeth Hanlon

Elizabeth Hanlon, Instrument Storage Manager

Luca Vukelic







Luca Vukelic, Instrument Storage Student Worker

Any questions regarding rentals should be sent to:

Student Rental Process:

Step 1: Fill out rental contract here

Step 2: Go to Instrument Storage Office to pick up instrument during posted office hours.

Step 3: Submit payment here

Faculty only:

Instrument Rental Policy, approved 3/5/23; edited 1/16/24

Policies for Students

Use of Fredonia School of Music musical instruments are to be used by students only in connection with academic offerings of the School of Music (courses, ensembles, studio) in which they are officially enrolled. Other uses of school inventory instruments are permitted only when authorized by formal agreements consistent with school and campus policy related to state-owned property. 

Campus policy regarding property control can be found here:

Simple Steps to Renting an Instrument: 

  1. Fill out the rental form online via Google Forms. At this point, you are not reserving the instrument, just requesting one.
  2. Submit payment for rental. You can use any of the following 3 options:  
    1. Debit/Credit - Paid in the Instrument Storage Office. 
    2. FredCard - Paid in the Music Office through Amber or Kellie, or on the 3rd floor of Maytum Hall at Student Accounts 
    3. Cash - 3rd floor of Maytum Hall at Student Accounts 
  3. Go to the Instrument Storage office and show proof of payment. Proof of payment can be a receipt (digital or printed), order number, or a screenshot sent via email to
  4. Renter then receives the instrument and is instructed on what locker area will best fit the rented instrument.

Contracts & Fees:

  • In order for a student to receive an instrument, an Instrument Rental contract must be completed and the rental fee must be paid before the instrument is able to leave the storage office. Instruments for ensembles, Rehearsal Techniques/Methods classes do not require a rental fee.
  • A rental fee will be charged to the student based on instrument type and rental period. The “half-semester” fee applies to students enrolled in “Beginning” secondary classes. The “full-semester” fee applies to students taking “Advanced” classes.. All prices will be listed on the board outside of the Instrument Storage office.
  • We are now using a QR code system that can be found on the board outside of the Instrument Storage Office. Please bring proof of payment along with a previously completed rental contract (filled out digitally via Google Forms). If the rental fee is not paid, the instrument will be rented out to another student. Proof of payment can be a receipt (digital or printed), order number, or a screenshot sent via email to
  • Students assigned the use of school owned instruments are responsible for the safety of all instruments assigned to them and the replacement of any instruments lost or stolen. 
  • Instruments are rented out on a first come-first serve basis. There is no guarantee that all students will be able to rent an instrument if they are registered for a class. It will be the students’ responsibility to provide an instrument for the class if the school has rented them all out. 
  • Professors cannot have students switch instruments within the class (rotation of instruments in MusEd courses).
  • Returns MUST be made by the contractee unless prior arrangements have been made. 

Late fees: 

Students who return instruments late (see contract for deadlines) will incur a $10/week fee. 

Late fees can be paid here:

Performance Grade Instruments: 

Students requiring the use of a school owned performance-grade instrument will be issued an instrument upon approval of the appropriate studio teacher or ensemble conductor. Use of performance-grade instruments will require the completion of a contract via QR code posted on board outside of the Instrument Storage Office. 

  • Students cannot use school-owned instruments that haven’t been assigned to them for the current semester. Being assigned an instrument for the prior semester does not confer approval for the following semester. 
  • Students must return all accessories included with the instrument, and will be checked upon return. 
  • The student will still be held liable for any instrument or case damages. 
  • Rented instruments are not to be kept on the floor, leaning against a wall, a music stand, or a chair.

Secondary instruments 

  • The student will still be held liable for any instrument or case damages. 
  • It will be assumed that the following secondary instruments come with the following items. If an item is missing when the instrument is issued, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the Instrument Storage office by the end of the first week of class. If the office is informed after that, it will be assumed that the student lost the item, and the student will be charged for the replacement cost of the item. 

Contents of secondary/performance grade instruments: 

  • Flutes: Case, cleaning rod, cleaning cloth
  • Oboe: Case, reed case, swab, cork grease
  • English horn: Case, reed case, swab, cork grease, TWO bocals
  • Clarinets: Case, mouthpiece, mouthpiece cap, ligature, swab, cork grease
  • Saxophones: Case, mouthpiece, mouthpiece cap, ligature, swab, cork grease, neck strap
  • Bassoons: Case, 1-2 bocals, strap, swab, reed case, cork grease
  • Trumpets: Case, mouthpiece, valve oil, tuning slide grease 
  • Trombones: Case, mouthpiece, slide grease, slide oil 
  • French horns: Case, mouthpiece, tuning slide grease, rotary oil
  • Tubas: Mouthpiece, valve oil, tuning slide grease
  • Violin/Viola/Cello- Case/Bag, bow, rosin 
  • Basses: One bow

Performance Grade and Secondary Instrument Rental for Faculty:

  • A contract must be filled out via Google Forms, no matter the length of rental.
  • Once Google Form contract is filled out and submitted, you will need to come down to the Instrument Storage Office to pick up the instrument. 
  • If the posted office hours do not work, please reach out to the Instrument Storage staff to set up an appointment.
  • Rentals will have to be renewed semester to semester if the instrument is available and in good condition.
  • Instrument must be stored in the School of Music unless using it for an outside event related to SUNY Fredonia, or professional activity that serves the University. 
  • No fee will be required for faculty to rent school-owned instruments if using for a lesson trial with a student, personal practice, research, SUNY Fredonia-related event, professional activity that serves the University.
  • Faculty must return all accessories included with the instrument, and will be checked upon return. 

Emergency Instrument Rental Form for Faculty: 

  • A contract must still be filled out via Google Forms. 
  • This form is intended to act as an Instrumental Rental Contract in emergency situations and is for Music Faculty use ONLY.
  • Examples of emergency situations: instrument is unplayable, personal instrument needs immediate repairs, student is covering a last minute part in a concert, etc.
  • No fee is required in this scenario, but it is expected that the instrument will be returned promptly. 
  • Faculty must return all accessories included with the instrument, and will be checked upon return. 

Repair Report Form

  • This form is to be used by Professors when any school owned instrument is in need of an immediate repair.
  • Please fill the form out in completion, and we will try to get the instrument fixed as soon as possible. 


Students can take School of Music owned instruments home over J-Term if they have specific approval from the appropriate studio professor and the Instrument Storage Office. Requests for J-Term instrument use must be submitted to the Instrument Storage office via e-mail no later than the Friday one week before the last day of classes.

Summer Instrument Use:

Students can take School of Music owned instruments home over the summer if they have specific approval from the appropriate studio professor and the Instrument Storage Manager. Requests for summer instrument use must be submitted to the Instrument Storage Manager via e-mail no later than the Friday one week before the last day of classes. To be approved, a student must meet the following criteria: 

  • Registered as music major for the following fall semester at the time of the request. Students who registered for student teaching are generally not permitted to borrow instruments over a break unless prior arrangements have been made. 
  • Approval of studio professor(s), if borrowing primary instrument, or approval of primary studio professor(s) and applicable secondary professor, if borrowing secondary instrument.
  • Approval of Instrument Storage Manager.
  • Instrument is available and is not in need of critical maintenance.
  • Students also must meet one of the following criteria:  
    • The student needs the instrument to prepare for graduate school audition(s)  
    • The student is performing in a summer event(s) that will promote or represent The School of Music, or  
    • The student has a studio and/or ensemble curricular demand for which the instrument is necessary. 

School of Music Office

  • Mason Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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