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The office of Disability Support Services (DSS) works with the Office of Residence Life to provide housing accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Students requesting housing accommodations on the basis of a disability, must register with the DSS office and provide documentation of a disability. All requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis dependent on the nature and degree of severity of the individual’s disability. When requesting a housing accommodation, applicants are expected to have already applied for Fredonia college housing.

Please be advised that single rooms are provided for individuals who document substantial needs and for whom living with a roommate is not viable, even after other accommodations are factored in.

Reasonable and appropriate accommodations depend upon the disability, the housing environment, and the steps necessary to create equal access for one’s living situation. Requested accommodations will not be granted if it is deemed unreasonable or unwarranted. Requests for housing accommodations should be made to DSS as soon as possible. The college reserves the right to request updated documentation every academic year to verify the continued need for housing accommodations. 

To properly evaluate how Fredonia can best meet the student’s need for reasonable accommodations in college housing facilities, DSS requires information from both the student submitting the request and their treatment professional.

To begin this process, Students should provide appropriate documentation to DSS, which establishes the need for accommodations and relates the current impact of the disability to the requested accommodation(s).

Documentation may be submitted in the following methods:

Within 5 business days of submitting your disability-related information, you will receive an email from DSS through via your student email address, which will include instructions on how to schedule an appointment with the Coordinator to discuss your accommodation request.

After meeting with the Coordinator, you will receive a follow-up email regarding the outcome of your request.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process or encounter difficulties submitting your information, please contact DSS at 1-716-673-3270 or email


Required Submission Dates

Housing spaces at Fredonia are limited. In order to assure availability, requests for housing accommodations are asked to adhere to the below submission dates. However, if the request for accommodation is made after the below submission dates, Fredonia cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the individual’s accommodation needs during the first semester or term of occupancy.

Spring Semester submit by:  November 17th
Fall Semester (returning students) submit by: April 3rd 
Fall Semester (incoming students) submit by: June 15th

If the need for a housing accommodation arises when an individual already resides in Fredonia housing, they should contact DSS and complete the steps to request a housing accommodation as soon as practicably possible. Fredonia cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the accommodation needs during the semester or term in which the request is received.


Disability Support Services (DSS)

  • Carnahan-Jackson Center Reed Library, 4th floor State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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