
Events and news of what's happening around the Fredonia campus.

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Ethos concert to celebrate members' talent

Christine Davis Mantai

Ethos New Music Society presents "PAST. PRESENT. FUTURE." on Monday, April 21, in Rosch Recital Hall at 8 p.m. The concert will be a celebration of Ethos alumni, current members, and the introduction of the winners of the First Annual Ethos Young Composers Composition Competition. Admission is free and open to the public.

Apple presenting digital photo workshop on campus

Christine Davis Mantai

In conjunction with SUNY Fredonia's Academic Information Technology office, Apple, Inc., will be presenting a workshop on its digital photography software on Wednesday, April 23...


Class Notes April 2008

Lisa Eikenburg

Deaths Alumni Emogene (Stearns) Summerlee Class of 1934 Jean (Stacey) Butler Class of 1936 Margaret (Smith) Aylesworth Class of 1940 Evelyn M. (Henderson) Noren Class...


Computer Science prof helps lead international workshop

Christine Davis Mantai

Dr. Reneta Barneva, a professor of computer science at SUNY Fredonia, is serving as vice chair of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA) 2008 to be held April 7-9 at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Buffalo. She and a colleague from Buffalo State College were designated to organize the event.