
Events and news of what's happening around the Fredonia campus.

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Author Bulent Atalay returns for guest lecture April 27

Christine Davis Mantai

Synergies between the arts and sciences, as revealed specifically through music and physics, will be explored at SUNY Fredonia in the lecture, “Beethoven, Newton and Leonardo: Patterns of Creativity,” by Dr. Bulent Atalay on Monday, April 27, 8 p.m. at 209 McEwen Hall.

Regional workshop for educators held at SUNY Fredonia

Michael Barone

This past Saturday SUNY Fredonia was host for an introductory workshop for chemistry instructors from throughout New York and Pennsylvania. The event introduced high school, college and university educators to POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning), a research-based learning environment where students are actively engaged in mastering course content and developing essential skills by working in self-managed teams on guided inquiry activities.

Teodora Cox discusses math education research

Michael Barone

SUNY Fredonia will host its fourth Social Science Colloquium of the semester with a by Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Dr. Teodora Cox. The event will take place on Monday, April 20 at 3 p.m. in 108 Fenton Hall.

Ivani Vassoler-Froelich elected VP

Christine Davis Mantai

Ivani Vassoler-Froelich Ivani Vassoler-Froelich (International Studies Coordinator) was elected vice president of the Mid-Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies, which promotes, in the United States...