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Make a financial gift

The Fredonia College Foundation is a private, non-profit corporation that accepts and manages financial gifts that enable new scholarships and programs. How to give financially >>

Come back and share

Faculty and students want to hear about your real-world experiences. Give a lecture or seminar. Contact us to come back and share >>

Hire a graduate

Fill your positions with Fredonia alumni. Contact Career Development >>

Host an intern

Could you host an intern in your place of business? We have outstanding, hardworking students who are looking for invaluable job experience. Our internship program is one of the best in SUNY. Contact Career Development >>

Be a mentor

Become a mentor to a Fredonia graduate or a current student through our Career Connection program. Who are our mentors?Mentors are alumni, employees, employers, faculty, staff, and parents of students. Contact Career Development >>

Make a Gift Online

Building Excellence: Alumni giving matters

The percentage of alumni who give financially to their alma mater improves the rankings of America's best colleges in U.S. News & World Report, which cites an alumni giving rate as one of seven indicators of an institution's excellence.

"Alumni giving rate...reflects the average percentage of living alumni with bachelor's degrees who gave to their school (in the previous year)...which is an indirect measure of student satisfaction." --U.S. News.

Give Back

Alumni Affairs Office

  • 286 Central Ave. State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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