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Fredonia provides a unique educational experience that prepares students to be leaders. Thanks to private philanthropic support during the past year, the Fredonia College Foundation provided over $2 million in scholarships, grants, and academic enrichment programming. It is this support that allows Fredonia to continue to make a positive impact, not only on our current students, but on our community and society.

The Fredonia College Foundation's mission is to receive charitable gifts and build endowed funds to benefit Fredonia and its students. The Foundation, which was established in 1964, has worked with alumni and friends to build 570 endowment funds with a total endowment value of $43 million. Endowed scholarship funds help increase access to a Fredonia education by allowing students to pursue their educational goals unimpeded by financial stressors.

Fredonia students express their gratitude by sharing how scholarship support has made their educational goals achievable.

  • “I remain humble and filled with so much gratitude for being selected as a recipient of this scholarship. You have granted me the opportunity to focus on building my career in being a data scientist.  I will remember this always and hope to be in a position one day to help a student like you have helped me.”
  • “ I am so very grateful for receiving this scholarship. Finances are tight, and this scholarship is helping me continue my education and grow closer to becoming the History Teacher that I have always dreamed of. It means more to me than you can ever imagine.”
  • “Succeeding as a student at Fredonia is something that I have been striving to accomplish; this goal is certainly more achievable now that I have the ability to focus attentively on academics instead of worrying about paying for college. Thank you so much for providing this opportunity to me.”

Fredonia's benefactors believe in and support our students in their journey.  We truly appreciate your support and cannot thank you enough for.

Fred (’71) and Irene Reynolds (’73) Guerriero established the Frederick Guerriero and Irene Reynolds Guerriero Scholarship because it was scholarship opportunities at SUNY Fredonia that made it possible for both of them to receive their degrees.

Fred and Irene Guerriero
Fred and Irene Guerriero at the 2022 Scholars Breakfast.

“Fredonia provided us with quality education and skills to successfully pursue our careers. We are so grateful to the previous donors who helped us that we wanted to give something back to future students.”

The Guerrieros established an endowment that offers two scholarships in their respective majors. Each year one scholarship is given for Biology and Music Education.   

However you choose to give, we thank you for making a difference!

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Every gift, no matter the size, assists Fredonia in its mission to educate, challenge and inspire students to become skilled, connected, creative, and responsible global citizens and professionals.

Fredonia College Foundation

  • 272 Central Avenue State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063