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Award nominations are accepted in the late spring, selected in the summer, and recognized at the All-Fredonia Faculty and Staff Conference Plenary in August.

Nominations for any category should be submitted through the Nomination Form

Both awards for individuals and awards to recognize collaboration and groups are available, with a total of six categories. Please see below for the categories, descriptions, eligibility, and nomination materials required. 

Categories of Recognition for Individual Awards

The following categories and their descriptions should be used as a guide when creating the nomination materials. All awards will be evaluated based on the extent to which the nomination materials : 1) Show how the work is effective and has made a positive impact; 2) Demonstrate a consistent and sustained effort; 3) Align with the mission and strategic plan, and; 4) Show the originality and/or the creativity of the individual’s work. 

President’s Award for Excellence in University Citizenship

This award will recognize individuals who contribute their service and talent freely and enthusiastically above and beyond what the job description requires. These individuals work tirelessly to advance a sense of community and achievement of the overall goals of the university. Nomination materials should include examples that demonstrate dedication to the university’s success.

President’s Award for Excellence in Mentorship

Success in the workplace can depend on the help and support of colleagues willing to share their time and expertise. Often, these individuals play a major role in the retention of faculty and staff by enhancing their colleagues’ interest in the institution. This award recognizes individuals who demonstrate not only their willingness to share their knowledge, skills, and expertise with others, but also the effectiveness of their mentorship role through a sustained and positive impact on others.

President’s Award for Excellence in Recruitment and/or Retention

Enrollment is currently one of our institution’s greatest challenges. All faculty and staff have a role to play, directly or indirectly, in a student’s decision to enroll and persist to completion at SUNY Fredonia. This award recognizes the work of individuals who endeavor beyond the typical expectations for attracting and retaining students at SUNY Fredonia.

Eligibility and Criteria for Categories of Recognition for Individual Awards

  • No self-nominations will be accepted;

  • Any individual who currently works on our campus and has accrued at least 3 years of continuous service, full or part-time, including those employed by a foundation, a university auxiliary or long-standing grant program may be nominated for any award; 

  • Anyone receiving the President’s Award of Excellence in the previous 6 years is ineligible for nomination in the same category; 

  • Evidence used in nominations and letters of support should align with the award category descriptions and must include recent examples (within the last 6 years) of how the nominee is deserving of the award; 

  • Nomination materials should include the following:

    • At least two letters of nomination from two different individuals who can speak to the nominee’s qualifications for the award category. At least one of the two letters must be from someone in a supervisory role. External letters from individuals or organizations off campus are welcomed. For Individuals who are nominated for an award that is part of their job description/performance plan, nomination letters should clearly explain how the nominees go above and beyond the requirements of their position; and

    • A recent CV that includes any relevant accomplishments related to the award category.

  • Please combine all nomination materials into a single PDF document if possible. Upload the file through the nomination form. If multiple file types are being used in nomination materials, up to five files may be submitted for each nomination.

Categories of Recognition for Collaborative and Community Awards

These categories recognize areas of excellence for collaboration and community engagement. The following categories and their descriptions should be used as a guide when creating the nomination materials. All awards will be evaluated on the extent to which the nomination materials do the following: 1) Show how the work is effective and has made a positive impact; 2) Demonstrate a consistent and sustained effort; 3) Align with the mission and strategic plan, and; 4) Show the originality and/or the creativity of the work. 

President’s Award for Excellence in Advancement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion should be at the core of each area’s functions and each individual’s work. This award recognizes employees or departments whose work demonstrates consistent and impactful efforts to create a culture of belonging through the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Nomination for this award can recognize an individual employee or group of two or more individuals or departments, including those employed by a university auxiliary or long-standing grant program. If the nomination is for an individual, the eligibility requirements for individual awards apply.

President’s Award for Excellence in Collaboration

This award will acknowledge academic programs, extracurricular programs, or group activities that demonstrate a positive impact through collaboration and that help establish SUNY Fredonia as a destination for students, faculty, and staff. Nominations for this award should include employees in two or more campus departments; external collaborators are welcome to be part of this nomination but are not mandatory. Examples may include but are not limited to programs and activities that advance SUNY Fredonia’s capacity for recruitment or retention of students and/or employees, improve the residence or workspace life, and strengthen opportunities for high-impact practices or service opportunities.

Nominations for this award must involve employees in two or more campus departments, including those employed by a university auxiliary or long-standing grant program.

President's Award for Excellence in Service to the University 

This award is reserved for honoring distinguished members of the community, region, and beyond who have contributed to SUNY Fredonia. These special individuals or organizations contribute to our community in extraordinary ways that support and advance the mission of the university. This award provides an opportunity for SUNY Fredonia to say, “thank you” to some of our closest supporters who demonstrate sincere and sustained interest in supporting SUNY Fredonia. 

Nominations must come from a SUNY Fredonia employee or employee of a university auxiliary or long-standing grant program. Current employees are not eligible; however, emeritus members may be nominated. 

Eligibility and Criteria for Categories of Recognition for Collaborative and Community Awards

  • No self-nominations will be accepted; 

  • Anyone receiving the President’s Award of Excellence in the previous 6 years is ineligible for nomination in the same category; 

  • Evidence used in nominations and letters of support should align with the award category descriptions and must include recent examples (within the last 6 years) of how the nominee or group is deserving of the award; 

  • Nomination Materials should include the following:

    • In place of separate nomination letters, a nomination narrative should be submitted on behalf of the individuals or group. The narrative should be approximately 2 pages and should clearly describe the program or activity and its positive impact. Brief details should be included about the individuals and/or organization/departments are involved as well as brief information regarding  how the program is sustained and promoted. Additional materials to help show impact to the students, campus, and/or community are welcome at the discretion of those making the nomination.

  • Please combine all nomination materials into a single PDF document if possible. Upload the file through the nomination form. If multiple file types are being used in nomination materials, up to five files may be submitted for each nomination.

Timeline and Selection

  • A callout for nominations will be issued in late spring; 

  • Review of the nominations and selection will take place over the summer by members of the President’s Cabinet; 

  • Winners will be recognized  in August at the All-Fredonia Faculty and Staff Conference Plenary in August.

Evaluation Criteria and Method

All awards will be evaluated on the extent to which the nomination materials do the following:

1) Show how the work is effective and has made a positive impact;
2) Demonstrate a consistent and sustained effort;
3) Align with the mission and strategic plan, and;
4) Show the originality and/or the creativity of the work. 

In addition to these criteria, the President's Award for Collaborative Excellence will be evaluated based on its creation of an opportunity not otherwise possible with preferred impacts of:
1) Increasing capacity for recruitment or retention of students and/or employees;
2) Improving the residence or workspace life;  or
3) Strengthening opportunities for high-impact practices or service opportunities.

Award and Recognition Ceremony

One award may be made per category each year; On a case-by-case basis, one category may have multiple award recipients if no eligible nominations are available in other categories.All award categories will be recognized at the  All-Fredonia Faculty and Staff Conference Plenary in August.

President's Office

  • 138 Fenton Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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