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"Roadmap to financial sustainability" Q & A

Program Deactivation Review Process (PDRP) Timeline

December 6, 2023Provost and deans met with department chairs and program coordinators to notify them of discontinuation proposals; President notified the campus community of discontinuation proposals
December 7-19Initial campus conversations; development and approval of processes/timeline
December 7Student Association Town Hall
December 11University Senate Town Hall
December 13-19Provost and deans met with department chairs and program coordinators to discuss discontinuation proposals and share all relevant data
December 20President announces the timeline, which is added to PDRP website
December 20-February 5, 2024Senators discussed proposed discontinuation list with their constituents
December 20-January 11, 2024Each unit validates data
January 12Cabinet makes validated data available to all faculty and staff
December 20-January 19Each affected unit decided whether to create and submit their program proposals to remove the program from the proposed deactivation list
January 22-February 2University Senate Executive Committee and Planning and Budget Committee (PBC) reviewed program proposals and analyzed and synthesized issues in confidential report to Provost's Council
February 5Senate meeting included discussion of proposed discontinuation list
February 6-26Senators continue discussing proposed discontinuation with their constituents

February 6-12


Provost’s Council considers program proposals, along with analyses and syntheses from Executive Committee and PBC, and decides upon their recommendation for each proposal to Cabinet
February 7-13Revision and approval of PDRP process/timeline
February 9Cabinet and Provost’s Council meets with Executive Committee and PBC co-chairs to discuss their analyses and syntheses of program proposals and revision of PDRP processes/timeline
February 13President announces revised timeline, which is added to PDRP website
February 13-22Cabinet reviews recommendations from the Provost’s Council and submits revised discontinuation list to Executive Committee for February 26 special Senate meeting agenda
February 23Cabinet and Provost's Council meets with Executive Committee and PBC co-chairs to discuss revised discontinuation list
February 26Special University Senate meeting includes discussion of revised discontinuation list
February 27-March 18Senators discuss revised discontinuation list with their constituents
February 27-March 13Campus and community feedback on revised discontinuation list to Provost's Council
March 11-15Provost's Council and Cabinet review campus and community feedback and share final discontinuation list with Executive Committee for March 18 special Senate meeting agenda
March 18Special Senate meeting concludes discussions of final discontinuation list; University Senate secretary sends transmittal memo to President
March 19-20President prepares response to Senate transmittal memo; Provost's Office completes official SUNY program deactivation forms for submission to SUNY System Administration.
March 20
  • All program deactivation forms submitted to SUNY System Administration for final approval, per SUNY policy #1701
  • President shares official responses to Senate transmittal memo with Executive Committee, which posts them to the Senate website and includes discussion of them in the agenda for the first Senate meeting following New York State Education Department (NYSED) action
TBDFinal approval received from SUNY System Administration and NYSED to proceed with proposed program deactivations


President's Office

  • 138 Fenton Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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