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American Democracy Project (ADP)

The Fredonia American Democracy Project (ADP) committee was formed with the goal of educating students to become engaged in civic issues through participatory democracy as well as to encourage students to become well-informed voters and to appreciate the impact that voter participation can have. » Learn more about ADP's network of 250+ state colleges and universities

Fredonia Students...Have Your Voices Heard!!!

The American Democracy Project wants your opinion on election-related events they should host in the fall.  Please take this survey, 

Student Engagement Videos

ADP's main goal is to encourage students to become civically engaged. In the Spring of 2022, students volunteered to answer a few questions about politics, civic engagement, voter registration, and media bias. Click on the images below to view student interview videos:


View student interviews - Part 1 views on politics   View student interviews - Part 2 on Civic Engagement
View student interviews - Part 3 regarding voter registration   Student interviews on media bias - part 4

A HUGE thank you to all the student volunteers for helping ADP!

We need you to help us find ways to make politics more approachable and relevant to students!

How to get involved

ADP Committee Members:

  • Angela McGowan-Kirsch (Chair)
  • Charles Cornell
  • Mary Croxton (Chautauqua County League of Women Voters)
  • Jessica Finkeldey
  • Christina Hilburger
  • Kevin Kearns
  • Rachel Martin
  • David Phillips
  • Raymond Rushbolt
  • Kerrie Wilkes
  • Alexander Bucknam (Student Representative)

Awarded Silver Campus Seal for the 2020 Presidential Election - Excellence in student voter engagementFollow ADP on Facebook   Instagram icon  Join our blog for the American Democracy Project!   adp logo


  • 808 Maytum Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063