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Log into Your Connection

This account creates your FredoniaID (FID) for access. Your FID begins with the letter F followed by a random 8 character code. You will be prompted to change your PIN during your first login session. PINs are required to be 6 characters in length containing upper and lower case letters, numbers and limited special characters. (Valid special characters are listed below).

Click on the Personal Info link and then the View Your UserIDs and Passwords link. Locate your FredoniaID username and initial password in the table that is displayed. (Please note the date info above each table to determine which applies to you.).

We recommend that you utilize the FredoniaID for future logons to Your Connection. (Note the PIN displayed will be your initial PIN, not what you have reset it to.)

To change the Your Connection PIN

  1. Logon to Your Connection
  2. Click on the Personal Info link
  3. Click on the Change Your PIN link
  4. Enter your existing PIN in the Old PIN box
  5. Enter your new PIN in the New PIN box
  6. Enter your new PIN again in the Re-enter New PIN box
  7. Click on the Change PIN button

STUDENTS: Your Connection permits access for user info such as viewing usernames and passwords for your other accounts. As well as viewing and accepting financial aid, register for classes and viewing grades.

FACULTY & STAFF: Your Connection permits access for user info such as viewing usernames and passwords for your other accounts. Faculty may also view course rosters, send email messages to an entire class. In addition they can post grades, and view a list of their advisees and email them as well.

Special Characters for Passwords

NOTE: The following special characters are valid for use in passwords:
! $ # %

ITS Service Center

  • W203 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063