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Our Program

Fredonia's Health Professions Advising Office works with students interested in careers in medicine, dentistry, optometry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, and other health careers.  The Health Professions Committee works with students and alumni to assist them during their preparation for health professional schools.  

Students at Fredonia do not major in pre-med or other pre-health areas.  Students select an academic major, Biology, Molecular Genetics, and Biochemistry are common, but students also major in Psychology and Exercise Science.  Students can be pre-med and major in any academic discipline, there is no requirement by medical schools that students be science majors.  At Fredonia, we currently have a pre-med student who is a double major in Biology and Dance.

Health Professions Careers (BIOL 275)

Fredonia offers a 1-credit professional development course for pre-health students.  In the course, students learn about what they need to do to prepare for health professional school.  They research the requirements for the schools they'll be applying to, work on their application essay (with the assistance of Dr. KimMarie Cole from the English Department and Health Professions Committee), learn about many other topics including how to obtain internships, how to pay for medical school, prepare for the MCAT and other exams, and other areas.  At the end of the semester, students prepare a personal timeline to guide them as they prepare for the application process.


Pre-health students have access to many resources at Fredonia.  Our alumni are very generous in giving advice to students interested in the health professions.  Alumni have provided useful information to students before their application interviews.  The Health Professions Advising Office has materials on careers and the MCAT and other exams for students.  The Career Development Office helps pre-health students with internships.  The Health Professions Club has many activities for pre-health students and the students work together to assist each other.  

Health Professions Advising Office

  • State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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