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Identify career skills, and goals!myplanlogofinal

How can MyPlan help you?

MyPlan is an online career planning site that uses personality, skills, interests and values inventories to help you select a major, plan ahead for your first career, or simply explore additional career options. Combined with a follow-up appointment with a career counselor, MyPlan can help you figure out what’s right for you and make informed career decisions.

How do I begin MyPlan?

Create your account on the website. Students must register to take the free assessments and enter Fredonia's license code: M2A4JSH7



1. Go to
2. Click on the “Account” tab on top right
3. Click “Create Free Account” and fill in your account information
4. Read and agree to the “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy”
5. Click “Continue” and when asked for the License Code, enter: M2A4JSH7
6. To make results viewable to a CDO Counselor, click “Share results with license provider”
7. Click “Submit Registration”


Click on the “Assessment” tab at the top of the page. Each assessment varies in length, but most can be completed within 15 minutes. Each one must be completed once you start it and incomplete tests cannot be saved. Each question must be answered in order – do not skip questions. Once you have completed an assessment it will appear in the “My Reports” folder under “My Portfolio” for you to review. Be sure to take all FOUR assessments!

  • PERSONALITY TEST This assessment will describe your personality type in terms of dominant preferences which form 16 potential personality types. The report translates dominant personality types into practical and useful career advice, including the rank-ordering of careers based on how well they match your unique personality.
  • INTEREST INVENTORY This assessment is designed to compare your personal interests to those of people in different careers whose interests are satisfied by their work. The report will feature a cluster score that will help you identify your strongest work-related interests.
  • SKILLS PROFILER The profiler takes you through 35 work-related skill areas and assists you in developing a profile of your strengths and weaknesses in comparison to careers.
  • VALUES ASSESSMENT This assessment can help you decide what is important to you in a job. The report provides scores for each of six work values clusters in relation to how important each work value is to you. The more a job agrees with your work values, the more likely you are to be satisfied in that job.


CareerMatch scores and ranks 739 careers based on your responses to the four assessments. This report will help users identify occupations and careers that constitute a “strong” match with your personality, interests, skills and values.

In the “My Portfolio” page, you should see your four reports, followed by “Composite Score.” Click “Composite Score” to see the list of corresponding occupations.

  • Where it states “What Level of Education?” select “Level 4: Four Year Degree (College)” and click “Go!” A list of possible occupations will be generated. Near the bottom of the page, next to “Display” select “All” from the menu.
  • Review the list. Click on the hyperlinked title of any occupation that seems interesting. This will bring you to a detailed multi-page profile that includes: job descriptions, job requirements, salary and employment data, and related majors or degrees to enter that field.
  • The goal is for you to identify 4-5 occupations of interest for you to further investigate and assess. Please keep in mind that MyPlan is not intended to tell you what you “should do” as a career. It is a starting point to help you generate options. Ultimately, it is your decision to determine the best career path to pursue.


We encourage you to complete the MyPlan "MyResults" document and then discuss your particular situation with a career counselor. There are many instances when it would be a better use of your time to utilize other Career Development Office resources, and a counselor will help you assess this. These instances would include learning about a particular occupation you have in mind, gaining experience, preparing for your job search (resume, contacting employers, interviewing) or graduate school. Schedule an appointment with a CDO counselor by calling 716-673-3327 or submit an appointment request online at

When reviewing your Work Values Cluster on the “Values Assessment” what are your top three work values? By grouping statistically similar work needs, the model provides a way for us to more easily conceptualize what motivates us at work.


Complete the following table using your “Skills Profiler” report. Identify your top 5 Career Categories (found at the top of the test report), the top 5 skills you rated the highest, and the bottom 5 you rated the lowest.


Use the boxes below to identify your top two interest areas (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional). Identify what words in the descriptions of those interest areas best describe you.


Personality types are usually referred to by their dominant traits, and these categories simply reflect a personal preference or predisposition, not a categorical absolute. Our personalities are, in real life, infinitely variable.


Career Development Office

  • Gregory Hall, 2nd floor State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063