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Getting started with your job search? To discuss your options, develop some strategies, and learn how the CDO can help, make an appointment to meet with a counselor. You may also want to use the following resources:

FREDNetwork (search job listings)
Student Employment
Vacancy Links
Summer Job Links
Career & Job Fairs
Researching Employers: Employer Directories & Websites
For Veterans: Career Resources for Veterans
For Educators:
WNY Schools Job Board
Teacher Recruitment Day - Spring semester - Pre-registration required (more details below)!
RecruitFront (K-12 Jobs in NY)
NYS Teacher Certification Office 
Teacher Certification Updates 
Requirements by State

Fredonia's Job & Internship Expo 

Job & Internship ExpoTuesday, March 4, 2025 from 2-5pm 
Williams Center

The expo will bring to campus organizations eager to discuss their potential job and internship openings with Fredonia candidates. Represented industries typically include business, media, financial services, health care, technology, health and human service agencies, government, law enforcement, retail management and many other fields, offering full- and part-time positions, summer jobs or internships. 

Western NY Teacher Recruitment DayTeacher Recruitment Day

March 19, 2025
Niagara Falls Convention Center, Niagara Falls, NY
In-person Interview Job Fair

TRD is a trusted, quality interview event...connecting teaching candidates and employers. Interview with local and national districts and organizations. TRD is a pre-select interview program and job fair event.

Candidate registration opens in January 2025. More details will be coming as we get closer to the event. As soon as a candidate registers, employers have the ability to view your profile and invite you for an interview. Candidates are encouraged to register early and upload their resume to maximize their chances for an interview. Schedule an appointment with the Career Development Office to prepare.

WNY Career & Internship Fair (WNYCIF)

Thursday, January 9, 2025 from 12-3pm
Buffalo Niagara Marriott

Western New York's premiere job and internship fair hosted by a consortium of WNY College Career Centers - 80+ employers attend the event to recruit for part-time and full-time jobs, or internship opportunities. The event program will provide for contact names of the employers in attendance. 


Click here to view informational interview videos of 8,000+ professionals!

More videos by topic:
Get Hired
Interview Tips
Resume Writing

Featured topics:
Virtual Interviewing: 101
10 Tips to impress at a Virtual Career Fair

LinkedIn: Using Effectively | Creating Your Profile



More Resources...

Job Search Preparation
Job Search Overview
Finding Jobs Online
Job Searching Long Distance

Job Search Checklist
Job Fairs in U.S.
Salary & Relocation Resources

Career Development Office

  • Gregory Hall, 2nd floor State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063