The School of Business offers a wide variety of Scholarships and Awards to recognize our students hard work and outstanding scholastic achievements.
Students who excel in their studies are also eligible for recognition through membership in the campus chapters of Beta Gamma Sigma, a national honor society in business administration, and the Financial Management Association National Honor Society. Initiation is competitive and highly selective.
These awards are presented by our dedicated faculty at our Annual Scholarship & Award Ceremony which is held in early May.

Applied Professional Studies Scholarships & Awards
- Music Industry Scholarship Award (Criteria: Full-time Music Industry major, good academic standing)
- Sport Management Scholarship Award (Criteria: Full-time Sport Management major, good academic standing)
Economics Scholarships & Awards
- Arthur R. Maytum Scholarship - Outstanding Freshman (Criteria: Freshman, good merit, financial need)
- Arthur R. Maytum Scholarship - Outstanding Sophomore (Criteria: Sophomore, good merit, financial need)
- Arthur R. Maytum Scholarship - Outstanding Junior (Criteria: Junior, good merit, financial need)
- Christine Dilacqua Endowment (Criteria: Full-time Economics major, female, good academic standing, incoming sophomore/junior/senior)
- Hart Gorman Economics Fund (Criteria: Achievements & Leadership in business and economics, freshman/sophomore/junior)
Business Administration & Accounting Scholarships & Awards
- Alumni Sophomore Achievement Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, sophomore, highest GPA in at least five of "Supporting" and "Lower Level Core" courses required in the major)
- Alumni Junior Achievement Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, junior, at least three semesters at Fredonia, and highest overall GPA)
- Alumni Senior Achievement Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, senior, minimum overall GPA of 3.00, and strong record of extra-curricular accomplishments)
- Bennett Accounting Scholarship (Criteria: Full-time Accounting major, Community College transfer, junior or senior class rank, and minimum overall GPA of 3.00)
- Business Club Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, Business Club member, and strong curricular and extra-curricular records)
- Business Students for Success (Criteria: Full-time departmental major, Sophomore or Junior class rank, minimum GPA of 3.2 or higher, strong record of extracurricular activities, must have an upcoming or have had a meaningful internship)
- Donald C. Brandt Memorial Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, sophomore or junior class rank, high overall GPA, and strong record of extra-curricular accomplishments)
- Enactus Endowment Award (Criteria: Graduation Senior who is a Students in Free Enterprise [SIFE] certified scholar)
- Enactus Music Business Award (Criteria: Graduation Senior who is a Students in Free Enterprise [SIFE] certified scholar)
- Dr. Franklin B. Krohn Memorial Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, junior, minimum overall GPA of 3.00, and active in the School of Business student organizations)
- Gary M. Tripp Memorial Scholarship (Criteria: Full-time Finance major, junior, and minimum overall GPA of 3.00)
- John Richter Family Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, freshman/sophomore/junior, graduate of a western New York high school, and extra-curricular achievements)
- Linda A. Hall Accounting Endowment (Criteria: Full-time Accounting major with expenses associated with professional certification, any class rank)
- Mancuso Family Scholarship (Criteria: Full-time Finance major, local Permanent address, and good academic standing)
- Michael J. Quatroche Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time Finance first major in good academic standing)
- Morris and Marian Poummit Scholarship (Criteria: Full-time or Part-time, Freshman/Sophomore/Junior, financial need)
- Morton and Barbara Cherney Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major in good academic standing)
- M. R. Poummit Achievement Award (Criteria: Any full-time departmental major, graduating senior, and highest overall GPA)
- New York State Society of CPAs Accounting Award of Honor (Criteria: Completion of the School's registered Accounting curriculum, highest GPA in all accounting courses)
- New York State Society of CPAs John T. Kennedy Memorial Award (Criteria: Junior, Accounting major, and highest overall GPA)
- New York State Society of CPAs Scholarship (Criteria: Accounting major, high GPA, personal statement, and faculty letter of endorsement)
- Peter & Arlene Merz School of Business Finance Scholarship (Criteria: Full-time Finance major, entering junior year, minimum GPA of 3.25 or higher)
- Professor Kenneth J. Plucinski Memorial Scholarship (Criteria: Full-time departmental major, any class rank, minimum GPA or 3.0 or higher, good extracurricular record)
- Stephen & Carol (Eck) Ward Scholarship (Criteria: Full-time Accounting major, sophomore/junior/first semester senior, and outstanding scholastic and extra-curricular achievements)
- Tom & Pam Reilly Scholarship (Criteria: Any full-time, graduating senior)