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Professional Disposition Statements - Updated January 2018

These statements apply to all teacher candidates at all times in real world interactions and in all on-line activities that are accessible by other professionals and the public. Each statement is aligned with the specific Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standard referenced in parentheses and followed by a bulleted list of indicators. These dispositions may also be measured at any time by any of the candidate's instructors using an Academic and Disposition Form. The following is a description of the professional dispositions:

Academic & Disposition Form

  • Disposition 1. The teacher candidate demonstrates the cognitive ability to assume responsibility in his/her own and his/her students' development. (InTASC 1)
    • Creates developmentally appropriate practice for students, fostering the contributions of families, colleagues, and other professionals.
    • Incorporates differentiated instruction to support student development of critical thinking, problem-solving and performance abilities.
  • Disposition 2. The teacher candidate appreciates and values human diversity and shows respect for others’ varied talents and perspectives. (InTASC 2)
    • Listens to others’ perspectives in a respectful manner.
    • Exhibits an understanding of the complexities of race, power, gender, class, sexual orientation and privilege in American society.
  • Disposition 3. The teacher candidate contributes to a positive climate in the university classroom and PreK-12 setting. (InTASC 3)
    • Participates actively in class discussions and assignments; works effectively with others.
    • Shows respect for and consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others.
  • Disposition 4. The teacher candidate develops a mastery of content and effectively creates learning experiences that assure mastery of content for pupils. (InTASC 4)
    • Demonstrates a commitment to professional development and attention to new ideas in both content and pedagogy.
    • Appreciates multiple perspectives and recognizes the potential for bias in his or her representation of the content area.
  • Disposition 5. The teacher candidate is committed to developing as a creative and collaborative problem-solver. (InTASC 5)
    • Uses disciplinary knowledge to address local and global issues.
    • Values knowledge from across content areas, in addition to the candidate' s own area(s) of specialization.
    • Values flexible learning environments that encourage exploration, discovery, and creative expression.
  • Disposition 6. The teacher candidate is committed to reflection, assessment, and learning as an ongoing process. (InTASC 6)
    • Reflects on information provided and demonstrates an ability to apply ideas to his/her own practice or life.
    • Able to modify behavior and/or understanding when provided with new information or experience.
    • Demonstrates an interest in and commitment to lifelong learning.
  • Disposition 7. The teacher candidate plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content, curriculum and pedagogy in context. (InTASC 7)
    • Develops, reflects on, and refines plans based on learners’ diverse needs.
    • Values the input, when planning, of learners, other professionals, families, and the larger community.
  • Disposition 8. The teacher candidate understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections to other areas. (InTASC 8)
    • Adapts instruction to meet students’ diverse needs and learning styles.
    • Applies technology to promote learning and communication.
  • Disposition 9. The teacher candidate demonstrates a level of responsibility appropriate for a professional. (InTASC 9)
    • Attends all classes, practicum experiences, and required activities and arrives on time and prepared.
    • Dresses for the practicum experiences in an appropriate manner.
    • Communicates in a professional manner regarding extenuating circumstances that may prevent attendance.
    • Demonstrates academic integrity.
  • Disposition 10. The teacher candidate is sensitive to community and cultural norms of the teacher education program, the university classroom, and practicum settings. (InTASC 10)
    • Uses language that demonstrates sensitivity to others.
    • Communicates effectively with peers, instructors, PreK-12 pupils, and cooperating teachers.
    • Shows an awareness of the context in which s/he is interacting.

Rating Scale:

(4) Exemplary Teacher candidate consistently and effectively displays developmentally appropriate professional dispositions.
(3) Proficient Teacher candidate consistently and effectively displays appropriate dispositions at a level expected of practicing professional educators.

(2) Developing

Teacher candidate is developing the professional disposition in a positive fashion, but more attention and focus is required of this candidate.

(1) Does not
meet Proficiency

Teacher candidate has not displayed acceptable dispositions OR has not demonstrated an adequate level of professional behaviors OR has displayed behaviors counter to those accepted as professional dispositions


College of Education, Health Sciences, and Human Services

  • 705 Maytum Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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