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Internship Program

Why Intern? | Getting Started | Getting Credit | Search for Internships

Why intern?

Some academic departments require their students to participate in an internship. If your department does not require an internship, you should still consider one. Here are just a few ways an internship can help you:

  • Explore career options related to your interest, values, skills, and personality
  • Gain professional skills and self-confidence
  • Gather insight into a particular industry or organizational culture
  • Develop related work experience and apply classroom learning
  • Establish connections and build a network of contacts

Quick Stats...

  • On average, more than 72.7% of students were offered a job after completing their internship.
  • 42% of employers offer higher starting salaries to new college graduates who have interned.
  • 2/3 of employers of college grads said they paid those who had internship experience about 9% more than those that did not intern.

Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers

Career Development Office

  • Gregory Hall, 2nd floor State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063