Math Club

Travis Mirabella

Travis Mirabella '14: Mathematics Teacher, Cattaraugus-Little Valley High School, NY

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Hometown: Farmingville, NY

Majors: Mathematics/Adolescence Education and Mathematics

Advanced Degree: MSED - Mathematics, SUNY Fredonia, 2015

Extra-Curricular Activities: Teacher Education Club

Honors: Pi Mu Epsilon Kappa Delta Pi, Golden Key; Albert Polimeni MAA Award, Olson Scholarship; Graduate Assistant, Department of Mathematical Sciences, 2014-2015.

Career Accomplishments/Goals: I am thrilled to have a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree in Mathematics Education after 5 years of hard work. I am even more excited that this work paid off, and that just a few weeks after receiving my master's degree I was offered a full time job teaching Algebra. My biggest goal is just to have a long career teaching mathematics in a school/ community that I love.

Memories of Fredonia: Winning the 2014 Pi Day Cup with the best "math rap" of all time; being "Harry Pi-ter" at my favorite Pi-Day of all time (Harry Pi-ter and the Pi Wizard Tournament); teaching University Calculus II, becoming an AMTNYS dance-off champion; presenting at AMTNYS and MAA Seaway Section; hours of work in the Fishbowl; being a member of the best department on campus!

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