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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is my User ID?

Your user ID is the same ID used for your Fredonia email account.

How do I get my password?

Click on the link on the bottom left of the front page of the research participation (Sona Systems) website to have it sent to your email.

Immediately after I login, as soon as I click on any menu option, I am taken back to the login page and I see a message that my authentication has expired. What does this mean?

Your web browser is not properly configured to accept cookies. You should turn on cookies in your web browser, use a different web browser (for example, try Firefox if you are currently using Internet Explorer), or try a different computer. Detailed instructions can be found if you go to the site and enter the url "cookie_help.asp" in place of "default.asp" in the address bar of the browser, when you are on the front page of the site.

Another easy thing to try is simply to use another computer. Usually the computers in university computer labs are configured correctly.

I participated in a study, but I have yet to receive credit. How do I receive credit?

The researcher must grant you credit. This is usually done shortly after your participation. If it has been some time and you have still not received credit, contact the researcher.

Who can see the information about my sign-ups? I don't want everyone to know which studies I signed up for.

Only the researcher and principal investigator of the study may see that you have signed up for it, along with the subject pool administrator. No other users, including other researchers or your instructor, may see this information.

How do I change the email address where email notifications from the system are sent?

Provide an Alternate Email address and notifications will be sent there. See the Email Address Options section of this documentation for more information. In some cases, this option may not be available.

I noticed that with some studies, I can sign up for them again even if I participated before, while others don't allow for this. Why is this?

Researchers can choose if their studies allow you to participate more than once. Not all studies allow you to participate more than once.

Psychology Department

  • W357 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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